# Dagger

[Dagger]( SDK for Elixir.

**CAUTION**: It's not ready for production. The library is not complete an may changes during development. Please use with caution.

## Installation

Fetch from repository by:

def deps do
    {:dagger_ex, github: "wingyplus/dagger_ex"}

## Running

Let's write a code below into a script:

client = Dagger.connect!()

|> Dagger.Query.container([])
|> Dagger.Container.from(address: "hexpm/elixir:1.14.4-erlang-25.3-debian-buster-20230227-slim")
|> Dagger.Container.with_exec(args: ["elixir", "--version"])
|> Dagger.Container.stdout()
|> IO.puts()

Then running with:

$ _EXPERIMENT_DAGGER_CLI_BIN=dagger elixir ci.exs

Where `ci.exs` contains Elixir script above.

## Supporting me

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