# Dantzig
Opimitizion library for elixir, using the HiGHS solver.
Supports linear programming (LP), mixed linear integer programming (MILP) and quadratic programming (QP).
## Installation
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `dantzig` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:dantzig, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at <https://hexdocs.pm/dantzig>.
## Example
Example taken from the tests
test "more complex layout problem" do
require Dantzig.Problem, as: Problem
alias Dantzig.Solution
use Dantzig.Polynomial.Operators
total_width = 300.0
problem = Problem.new(direction: :maximize)
# Define a custom utility function to specify declaratively
# that one element fits inside another.
fits_inside = fn problem, inside, outside ->
Problem.add_constraint(problem, Constraint.new(inside <= outside))
# Suppose we need to have the sizes of our boxes calculated
# by a call to an external program which returns the sizes
# all at once.
long_calculation_by_external_program = fn _boxes ->
[15, 40, 38.0]
# Use the implicit style of description.
# This macro will perform some simple AST rewriting to allow us
# to use something like a "monadic" style from Haskell.
Problem.with_implicit_problem problem do
# The v!() is special syntax which creates variables
# in implicit problems. Each of the lines below is rewritten as
# `{problem, variable} = Problem.new_variable(problem, variable, optional_args)`
# Margins for our drawing
v!(left_margin, min: 0.0)
v!(center, min: 0.0)
v!(right_margin, min: 0.0)
# Widths of some boxes we want to draw
v!(box1_width, min: 0.0)
v!(box2_width, min: 0.0)
v!(box3_width, min: 0.0)
# Canvases which will fit inside the center,
# with specific constraints
v!(canvas1_width, min: 0.0)
v!(canvas2_width, min: 0.0)
v!(canvas3_width, min: 0.0)
# constraint!() is special syntax to add a constraint to the problem
constraint!(canvas1_width + canvas2_width + canvas3_width == center)
constraint!(canvas1_width == 2*canvas2_width)
constraint!(canvas1_width == 2*canvas3_width)
# Now it's better to use the `problem` variable
problem =
|> fits_inside.(box1_width, left_margin)
|> fits_inside.(box2_width, left_margin)
# The last box must fit in the right margin
|> fits_inside.(box3_width, right_margin)
# Get the box widths from our "slow call to an external program"
# We get the widths all at once and only once the all the variables
# are defined so that we can ask for all widths in a single call.
[box1_w, box2_w, box3_w] = long_calculation_by_external_program.([
constraint!(box1_width == box1_w)
constraint!(box2_width == box2_w)
constraint!(box3_width == box3_w)
# All the margins must add to the given total length
# NOTE: total_width is not a variable! It's a constant we've defined before
# The custom operators from the `Dantzig.Polynomial.Operators` module handle
# both numbers and polynomials
constraint!(left_margin + center + right_margin == total_width)
# Minimize the margins and maximize the center
increment_objective!(center - left_margin - right_margin)
solution = Dantzig.solve(problem)
# Test properties of the solution
assert solution.model_status == "Optimal"
assert solution.feasibility == "Feasible"
# One constraint and three variables
assert Solution.nr_of_constraints(solution) == 10
assert Solution.nr_of_variables(solution) == 9
# The solution gets the right values
# (note: in this case, equalities should be exact)
assert Solution.evaluate(solution, left_margin) == 40.0
assert Solution.evaluate(solution, center) == 222.0
assert Solution.evaluate(solution, right_margin) == 38.0
assert Solution.evaluate(solution, box1_width) == 15.0
assert Solution.evaluate(solution, box2_width) == 40.0
assert Solution.evaluate(solution, box3_width) == 38.0
# The canvases widths sum to the center width and respect
# the poportions we've picked (or any other proportion,
# as long as the constraints are linear)
assert Solution.evaluate(solution, canvas1_width) == 111.0
assert Solution.evaluate(solution, canvas2_width) == 55.5
assert Solution.evaluate(solution, canvas3_width) == 55.5
# The objective has the right value
assert solution.objective == 144.0
## Documentation