# Data Matrix

This is a software library that enables programs to write Data Matrix barcodes of the modern ECC200 variety.

## Installation

def deps do
    {:data_matrix, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Rendering options

There are currently two formats available: `:svg` and `:text`.

### SVG options

| Option name | Default value |
| --- | --- |
| `width` | auto |
| `height` | auto |
| `viewbox` | `false` |
| `module_size` | `5` |
| `color` | `"black"` |
| `background` | `"white"` |

### Text options

| Option name | Default value |
| --- | --- |
| `zero` | `"0"` |
| `one` | `"1"` |
| `newline` | `"\n"` |
| `separator` | `""` |

## Example

data = "123456"

svg =
  |> DataMatrix.encode()
  |> DataMatrix.format(:svg, color: "#6e4a7e", background: "aliceblue", width: 200)

File.write!("square.svg", svg)

<img src="./docs/figures/example_square.svg" alt="Example square Data Matrix">

matrix = DataMatrix.encode("A1B2C3D4E5F6G7H8I9J0K1L2", quiet_zone: 2, type: :rectangle)

File.write("rectangular.svg", DataMatrix.format(matrix, :svg, module_size: 8))

<img src="./docs/figures/example_rectangular.svg" alt="Example rectangular Data Matrix">