# DataMorph

Create Elixir structs from data.

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## Documentation

You can view [full DataMorph API documentation on hexdocs](

## Installation

{:data_morph, "~> 0.0.1"}
to your deps in `mix.exs` like so:

defp deps do
    {:data_morph, "~> 0.0.1"}

## Usage examples

Define a struct and return stream of structs created from a `tsv` string, a `namespace` atom and `name` string.

iex> "name\tiso\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> DataMorph.structs_from_tsv(OpenRegister, "country") \
...> |> Enum.to_list
  %OpenRegister.Country{iso: "nz", name: "New Zealand"},
  %OpenRegister.Country{iso: "gb", name: "United Kingdom"}

Define a struct and return stream of structs created from a `tsv` stream, and a `namespace` string and `name` atom.

iex> "name\tiso\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> String.split("\n") \
...> |> &1) \
...> |> DataMorph.structs_from_tsv("open-register", :iso_country) \
...> |> Enum.to_list
  %OpenRegister.IsoCountry{iso: "nz", name: "New Zealand"},
  %OpenRegister.IsoCountry{iso: "gb", name: "United Kingdom"}

Add additional new fields to struct when called again with different `tsv`.

iex> "name\tiso\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tnz\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tgb" \
...> |> DataMorph.structs_from_tsv(OpenRegister, "country") \
...> |> Enum.to_list
...> "name\tacronym\n" <>
...> "New Zealand\tNZ\n" <>
...> "United Kingdom\tUK" \
...> |> DataMorph.structs_from_tsv(OpenRegister, "country") \
...> |> Enum.to_list
  %OpenRegister.Country{acronym: "NZ", iso: nil, name: "New Zealand"},
  %OpenRegister.Country{acronym: "UK", iso: nil, name: "United Kingdom"}