# DataSchema
<!-- We def want a livebook for this. So much easier to explain. -->
Data schemas are declarative descriptions of how to create a struct from some input data. You can set up different schemas to handle different kinds of input data. By default we assume the incoming data is a map, but you can configure schemas to work with any arbitrary data input including XML and json.
Data Schemas really shine when working with API responses - converting the response into trusted internal data easily and efficiently.
## Creating A Simple Schema
Let's think of creating a struct as taking some source data and turning it into the desired struct. To do this we need to know at least three things:
1. The keys of the desired struct
2. The types of the values for each of the keys
3. Where / how to get the data for each value from the source data.
Turning the source data into the correct type defined by the schema will often require casting, so to cater for that the type definitions are casting functions. Let's look at a simple field example
field {:content, "text", &cast_string/1}
# ^ ^ ^
# struct field | |
# path to data in the source |
# casting function
This says in the source data there will be a field called `:text`. When creating a struct we should get the data under that field and pass it too `cast_string/1`. The result of that function will be put in the resultant struct under the key `:content`.
There are 4 kinds of struct fields we could want:
1. `field` - The value will be a casted value from the source data.
2. `list_of` - The value will be a list of casted values created from the source data.
3. `has_one` - The value will be created from a nested data schema.
4. `aggregate` - The value will a casted value formed from multiple bits of data in the source.
To see this better let's look at a very simple example. Assume our input data looks like this:
source_data = %{
"content" => "This is a blog post",
"comments" => [%{"text" => "This is a comment"},%{"text" => "This is another comment"}],
"draft" => %{"content" => "This is a draft blog post"},
"date" => "2021-11-11",
"time" => "14:00:00",
"metadata" => %{ "rating" => 0}
And now let's assume the struct we wish to make is this one:
content: "This is a blog post",
comments: [%Comment{text: "This is a comment"}, %Comment{text: "This is another comment"}]
draft: %DraftPost{content: "This is a draft blog post"}}
post_datetime: ~N[2020-11-11 14:00:00]
We can describe the following schemas to enable this:
defmodule DraftPost do
import DataSchema, only: [data_schema: 1]
field: {:content, "content", &to_string/1}
defmodule Comment do
import DataSchema, only: [data_schema: 1]
field: {:text, "text", &to_string/1}
def cast(data) do
DataSchema.to_struct!(data, __MODULE__)
defmodule BlogPost do
import DataSchema, only: [data_schema: 1]
field: {:content, "content", &to_string/1},
list_of: {:comments, "comments", Comment},
has_one: {:draft, "draft", DraftPost},
aggregate: {:post_datetime, %{date: "date", time: "time"}, &BlogPost.to_datetime/1},
def to_datetime(%{date: date, time: time}) do
date = Date.from_iso8601!(date)
time = Time.from_iso8601!(time)
{:ok, datetime} = NaiveDateTime.new(date, time)
Then to transform some input data into the desired struct we can call `DataSchema.to_struct!/2` which works recursively to transform the input data into the struct defined by the schema.
source_data = %{
"content" => "This is a blog post",
"comments" => [%{"text" => "This is a comment"},%{"text" => "This is another comment"}],
"draft" => %{"content" => "This is a draft blog post"},
"date" => "2021-11-11",
"time" => "14:00:00",
"metadata" => %{ "rating" => 0}
DataSchema.to_struct!(source_data, BlogPost)
# This will output the following:
content: "This is a blog post",
comments: [%Comment{text: "This is a comment"}, %Comment{text: "This is another comment"}]
draft: %DraftPost{content: "This is a draft blog post"}}
post_datetime: ~N[2020-11-11 14:00:00]
## Different Source Data Types
As we mentioned before we want to be able to handle multiple different kinds of source data in our schemas. For each type of source data we want to be able to specify how you access the data for each field type. We do that by providing a "data accessor" (a module that implements the `DataSchema.DataAccessBehaviour`) when we create the schema. By default if you do not provide a specific data accessor module we use `DataSchema.MapAccessor`. That means the above example is equivalent to doing the following:
defmodule DraftPost do
import DataSchema, only: [data_schema: 2]
field: {:content, "content", &to_string/1}
], DataSchema.MapAccessor)
defmodule Comment do
import DataSchema, only: [data_schema: 2]
field: {:text, "text", &to_string/1}
], DataSchema.MapAccessor)
def cast(data) do
DataSchema.to_struct!(data, __MODULE__)
defmodule BlogPost do
import DataSchema, only: [data_schema: 2]
field: {:content, "content", &to_string/1},
list_of: {:comments, "comments", Comment},
has_one: {:draft, "draft", DraftPost},
aggregate: {:post_datetime, %{date: "date", time: "time"}, &BlogPost.to_datetime/1},
], DataSchema.MapAccessor)
def to_datetime(%{date: date, time: time}) do
date = Date.from_iso8601!(date)
time = Time.from_iso8601!(time)
{:ok, datetime} = NaiveDateTime.new(date, time)
When creating the struct DataSchema will call the relevant function for the field we are creating, passing it the source data and the path to the value(s) in the source. Our `DataSchema.MapAccessor` looks like this:
defmodule DataSchema.MapAccessor do
@behaviour DataSchema.DataAccessBehaviour
@impl true
def field(data, field) do
Map.get(data, field)
@impl true
def list_of(data, field) do
Map.get(data, field)
@impl true
def has_one(data, field) do
Map.get(data, field)
@impl true
def aggregate(data, field) do
Map.get(data, field)
We can clean up our schema definitions a bit with currying. Instead of passing `DataSchema.MapAccessor` every time we create a schema we can define a helper function like so:
defmodule DataSchema.Map do
defmacro map_schema(fields) do
quote do
require DataSchema
DataSchema.data_schema(unquote(fields), DataSchema.MapAccessor)
Then change our schema definitions to look like this:
defmodule DraftPost do
import DataSchema.Map, only: [map_schema: 1]
field: {:content, "content", &to_string/1}
defmodule Comment do
import DataSchema.Map, only: [map_schema: 1]
field: {:text, "text", &to_string/1}
def cast(data) do
DataSchema.to_struct!(data, __MODULE__)
defmodule BlogPost do
import DataSchema.Map, only: [map_schema: 1]
field: {:content, "content", &to_string/1},
list_of: {:comments, "comments", Comment},
has_one: {:draft, "draft", DraftPost},
aggregate: {:post_datetime, %{date: "date", time: "time"}, &BlogPost.to_datetime/1},
def to_datetime(%{date: date_string, time: time_string}) do
date = Date.from_iso8601!(date_string)
time = Time.from_iso8601!(time_string)
{:ok, datetime} = NaiveDateTime.new(date, time)
This means should we want to change how we access data (say we wanted to use `Map.fetch!` instead of `Map.get`) we would only need to change the accessor used in one place - inside `map_schema/1`.
### XML Schemas
Now let's imagine instead that our source data was XML. What would it require to enable that? First a new Xpath data accessor:
defmodule XpathAccessor do
@behaviour DataSchema.DataAccessBehaviour
import SweetXml, only: [sigil_x: 2]
@impl true
def field(data, path) do
SweetXml.xpath(data, ~x"#{path}"s)
@impl true
def list_of(data, path) do
SweetXml.xpath(data, ~x"#{path}"l)
@impl true
def has_one(data, path) do
SweetXml.xpath(data, ~x"#{path}")
@impl true
def aggregate(data, path) do
SweetXml.xpath(data, ~x"#{path}"s)
defmodule DataSchema.Xpath do
defmacro xpath_schema(fields) do
quote do
require DataSchema
DataSchema.data_schema(unquote(fields), XpathAccessor)
As we can see our accessor uses the library [Sweet XML](https://github.com/kbrw/sweet_xml) to access the XML. That means if we wanted to change the library later we would only need to alter this one module for all of our schemas to benefit from the change.
Our source data looks like this:
source_data = """
<Blog date="2021-11-11" time="14:00:00">
<Content>This is a blog post</Content>
<Comment>This is a comment</Comment>
<Comment>This is another comment</Comment>
<Content>This is a draft blog post</Content>
Let's define our schemas like so:
defmodule DraftPost do
import DataSchema.Xpath, only: [xpath_schema: 1]
field: {:content, "./Content/text()", &to_string/1}
defmodule Comment do
import DataSchema.Xpath, only: [xpath_schema: 1]
field: {:text, "./text()", &to_string/1}
def cast(data) do
DataSchema.to_struct!(data, __MODULE__)
defmodule BlogPost do
import DataSchema.Xpath, only: [xpath_schema: 1]
field: {:content, "/Blog/Content/text()", &to_string/1},
list_of: {:comments, "//Comment", Comment},
has_one: {:draft, "/Blog/Draft", DraftPost},
aggregate: {:post_datetime, %{date: "/Blog/@date", time: "/Blog/@time"}, &BlogPost.to_datetime/1},
def to_datetime(%{date: date_string, time: time_string}) do
date = Date.from_iso8601!(date_string)
time = Time.from_iso8601!(time_string)
{:ok, datetime} = NaiveDateTime.new(date, time)
And now we can transform:
source_data = """
<Blog date="2021-11-11" time="14:00:00">
<Content>This is a blog post</Content>
<Comment>This is a comment</Comment>
<Comment>This is another comment</Comment>
<Content>This is a draft blog post</Content>
DataSchema.to_struct!(source_data, BlogPost)
# This will output:
comments: [
%Comment{text: "This is a comment"},
%Comment{text: "This is another comment"}
content: "This is a blog post",
draft: %DraftPost{content: "This is a draft blog post"},
post_datetime: ~N[2021-11-11 14:00:00]
### JSONPath Schemas
This is left as an exercise for the reader but hopefully you can see how you could extend this idea to allow for json data and JSONPaths pointing to the data in the schemas.
### Contributing
**NB** Set the `MIX_ENV` to `:docs` when publishing the package. This will ensure that modules inside `test/support` wont get their documentation published with the library (as they are included in the :dev env).
MIX_ENV=docs mix hex.publish
You will also have to set that env if you want to run `mix docs`
MIX_ENV=docs mix docs
## Installation
[available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed
by adding `data_schema` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:data_schema, "~> 0.1.0"}
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/data_schema](https://hexdocs.pm/data_schema).