# DataTable

A flexible DataTable component for LiveView.

![Screenshot of simple DataTable usage](screenshot.png "Simple DataTable usage")
[Source code for the screenshot above. You get all of this in ~50loc.](

Some of the features the component has:
* Filtering
* Sorting
* Expandable rows
* Pagination
* Row selection with customizable bulk actions
* Data is fetched from `DataTable.Source` behaviour, usable with custom data sources
* First class Ecto `Source`
* Support for persisting sort/filter state to query string
* Tailwind theme included, but fully customizable

def render(assigns) do
    source={{DataTable.Ecto, {MyApp.Repo, @source_query}}}>

    <:col :let={row} name="Id" fields={[:id]} sort_field={:id}>
      <%= %>

    <:col :let={row} name="Name" fields={[:first_name, :last_name]}>
      <%= row.first_name <> " " <> row.last_name %>


def mount(_params, _session, socket) do
  query = DataTable.Ecto.Query.from(
    user in MyApp.User,
    columns: %{
      first_name: user.first_name,
      last_name: user.last_name
    key: :id

  socket = assign(socket, :source_query, query)


## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `data_table` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:data_table, "~> 0.1.0"}

### Tailwind Theme
If using the `Tailwind` theme, you must have tailwind set up for your app.
You must also:
* Configure tailwind to generate styles for the `data_table` dependency
* Include the `petal_components` css in your app

Add this to the `content` list in your `assets/tailwind.js`:

Add this to the end of your `assets/css/base.css`:
@import "../../deps/petal_components/assets/default.css";