# DatadogHttp
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A client for Datadog's HTTP API, useful for building integrations.
_This community library is not an official product or project of Datadog. Maintainers are not affiliated with Datadog in any way._
### Supported endpoints
- [ ] Audit
- [ ] Authentication
- [ ] AuthN Mappings
- [ ] AWS Integration
- [ ] AWS Logs Integration
- [ ] Azure Integration
- [ ] Cloud Workload Security
- [ ] Dashboard Lists
- [ ] Dashboards
- [ ] Downtimes
- [ ] Embeddable Graphs
- [ ] Events
- [ ] GCP Integration
- [ ] Hosts
- [ ] Incident Services
- [ ] Incident Teams
- [ ] Incidents
- [ ] IP Ranges
- [ ] Key Management
- [ ] Logs
- [ ] Logs Archives
- [ ] Logs Indexes
- [ ] Logs Metrics
- [ ] Logs Pipelines
- [ ] Logs Restriction Queries
- [ ] Metrics
- [ ] Create a tag configuration
- [ ] Get active metrics list
- [ ] Submit distribution points
- [x] Submit metrics
- [ ] Get metric metadata
- [ ] List tag configuration by name
- [ ] Edit metric metadata
- [ ] Update a tag configuration
- [ ] Delete a tag configuration
- [ ] Search metrics
- [ ] Get a list of metrics
- [ ] Query timeseries points
- [ ] List tags by metric name
- [ ] List active tags and aggregations
- [ ] List distinct metric volumes by metric name
- [ ] Configure tags for multiple metrics
- [ ] Tag Configuration Cardinality Estimator
- [ ] Monitors
- [ ] Notebooks
- [ ] Opsgenie Integration
- [ ] Organizations
- [ ] PagerDuty Integration
- [ ] Processes
- [ ] Roles
- [ ] RUM
- [ ] Screenboards
- [ ] Security Monitoring
- [ ] Service Accounts
- [ ] Service Checks
- [ ] Service Dependencies
- [ ] Service Level Objective Corrections
- [ ] Service Level Objectives
- [ ] Slack Integration
- [ ] Snapshots
- [ ] Synthetics
- [ ] Tags
- [ ] Timeboards
- [ ] Usage Metering
- [ ] Users
- [ ] Webhooks Integration
## Installation
Add to your dependencies in `mix.exs`. The hex specification is required.
def deps do
{:datadog_http, "~> 0.0.1"}
## Configuration
All calls to Datadog require an API key. Add the following configuration
to your project to set the values. This configuration is optional, see below for a
runtime configuration. The library will raise an error if the relevant credentials
are not provided either via `config.exs` or at runtime.
config :datadog_http,
base_url: "https://api.datadoghq.com",
api_key: "your_client_id",
adapter: Tesla.Adapter.Hackney, # optional
http_options: [timeout: 10_000, recv_timeout: 30_000] # optional
By default, `base_url` is set to the main datadog API endpoint (`https://api.datadoghq.com`).
## Runtime configuration
Alternatively, you can provide the configuration at runtime. The configuration passed
as a function argument will overwrite the configuration in `config.exs`, if one exists.
For example, if you want to hit a different URL when calling the metrics submission endpoint, you could
pass in a configuration argument to `DatadogHttp.Metrics.submit/2`.
%{base_url: "https://api.datadoghq.eu", api_key: "an-api-key"}