# Dataframe
DataFrame is a library that implements an API similar to [Python's Pandas](http://pandas.pydata.org/) or [R's data.frame()](http://www.r-tutor.com/r-introduction/data-frame).
## Installation
The package can be installed as:
1. Add `dataframe` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:dataframe, "~> 0.1.0"}]
## Usage
### Creation
iex(1)> data = DataFrame.new(DataFrame.Table.build_random(6,4), DataFrame.DateRange.new("2016-09-12", 6), [1,3,4,5])
1 3 4 5
2016-09-12 0.3216495192 0.3061978162 0.5240627861 0.3014870998
2016-09-13 0.7085624128 0.1027917034 0.0274851281 0.4999253931
2016-09-14 0.5409299230 0.7234486655 0.0902951353 0.9265397862
2016-09-15 0.8144437609 0.7566869039 0.5943981962 0.4555049347
2016-09-16 0.0228473208 0.9033617026 0.6984988237 0.9858222366
2016-09-17 0.6401066584 0.2700256640 0.4256911712 0.1085587668
### Exploring
DataFrame.head(data, 2)
1 3 4 5
2016-09-12 0.3216495192 0.3061978162 0.5240627861 0.3014870998
2016-09-13 0.7085624128 0.1027917034 0.0274851281 0.4999253931
DataFrame.tail(data, 1)
1 3 4 5
2016-09-17 0.6401066584 0.2700256640 0.4256911712 0.1085587668
### Transposing
2016-09-12 2016-09-13 2016-09-14 2016-09-15 2016-09-16 2016-09-17
1 0.3216495192 0.7085624128 0.5409299230 0.8144437609 0.0228473208 0.6401066584
3 0.3061978162 0.1027917034 0.7234486655 0.7566869039 0.9033617026 0.2700256640
4 0.5240627861 0.0274851281 0.0902951353 0.5943981962 0.6984988237 0.4256911712
5 0.3014870998 0.4999253931 0.9265397862 0.4555049347 0.9858222366 0.1085587668
### Sorting
Sorting index (defaults bigger to smaller)
1 3 4 5
2016-09-17 0.6401066584 0.2700256640 0.4256911712 0.1085587668
2016-09-16 0.0228473208 0.9033617026 0.6984988237 0.9858222366
2016-09-15 0.8144437609 0.7566869039 0.5943981962 0.4555049347
2016-09-14 0.5409299230 0.7234486655 0.0902951353 0.9265397862
2016-09-13 0.7085624128 0.1027917034 0.0274851281 0.4999253931
2016-09-12 0.3216495192 0.3061978162 0.5240627861 0.3014870998
Sorting by a column (false to sort smaller to bigger)
DataFrame.sort_values(data, 4, false)
1 3 4 5
2016-09-13 0.7085624128 0.1027917034 0.0274851281 0.4999253931
2016-09-14 0.5409299230 0.7234486655 0.0902951353 0.9265397862
2016-09-17 0.6401066584 0.2700256640 0.4256911712 0.1085587668
2016-09-12 0.3216495192 0.3061978162 0.5240627861 0.3014870998
2016-09-15 0.8144437609 0.7566869039 0.5943981962 0.4555049347
2016-09-16 0.0228473208 0.9033617026 0.6984988237 0.9858222366
### Selecting
By name:
DataFrame.loc(data, DataFrame.DateRange.new("2016-09-15", 2), [3,4])
3 4
2016-09-15 0.5417848216 0.5546980818
2016-09-16 0.6621771048 0.5763923325
DataFrame.at(data, "2016-09-15", 4)
By position:
DataFrame.iloc(data, 4..6, 2..4)
4 5
2016-09-16 0.6984988237 0.9858222366
2016-09-17 0.4256911712 0.1085587668
DataFrame.iat(data, 0, 0)
The library is in very early stages of development. No effort has been made to optimize its performance. Expect it to be slow.
## Development
Run tests
mix test
- Example of usage with CSV file
- Finish Statistics module
- Deal with exceptions (negative numbers as input, etc.)
- Setting of subtable data