
Low level Elixir drivers for the [Datomic database](

## Install

Adding Datomex to your mix.exs dependencies:

def deps do
[ {:datomex, "~> 0.0.1"} ]

## Usage

Datomex.start_link "localhost", 8888, "db", "test"

# {:ok,
#   %HTTPoison.Response{body: "[\"test\"]",
#   headers: %{"Content-Length" => "8",
#   "Content-Type" => "application/edn;charset=UTF-8",
#   "Date" => "Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:44:59 GMT",
#   "Server" => "Jetty(8.1.11.v20130520)", "Vary" => "Accept"},
#   status_code: 200}}

# {:ok,
#   %HTTPoison.Response{body: "[\"test\" \"test_02\"]",
#   headers: %{"Content-Length" => "18",
#     "Content-Type" => "application/edn;charset=UTF-8",
#     "Date" => "Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:46:22 GMT",
#     "Server" => "Jetty(8.1.11.v20130520)", "Vary" => "Accept"},
#   status_code: 201}}

movies = """
  {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db]
  :db/ident :movie/title
  :db/valueType :db.type/string
  :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
  :db/doc "movie's title"
  :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
  {:db/id #db/id[:db.part/db]
  :db/ident :movie/rating
  :db/valueType :db.type/double
  :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
  :db/doc "movie's rating"
  :db.install/_attribute :db.part/db}
Datomex.transact movies
# {:ok,
#   %HTTPoison.Response{body: "{:db-before {:basis-t 1119, :db/alias \"db/test\"}, :db-after {:basis-t 1120, :db/alias \"db/test\"}, :tx-data [{:e 13194139534432, :a 50, :v #inst \"2014-11-23T08:48:27.678-00:00\", :tx 13194139534432, :added true}], :tempids {-9223367638809264861 64, -9223367638809264860 63}}",
#   headers: %{"Content-Length" => "272",
#     "Content-Type" => "application/edn;charset=UTF-8",
#     "Date" => "Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:48:27 GMT",
#     "Server" => "Jetty(8.1.11.v20130520)", "Vary" => "Accept"},
#   status_code: 201}}

Datomex.datoms "eavt"
# {:ok,
# %HTTPoison.Response{body: "[{:e 0, :a 10, :v :db.part/db, :tx 13194139533312, :added true}...

Datomex.entity 1
# {:ok,
#   %HTTPoison.Response{body: "{:db/ident :db/add, :db/doc \"Primitive assertion. All transactions eventually reduce to a collection of primitive assertions and retractions of facts, e.g. [:db/add fred :age 42].\", :db/id 1}",
#   headers: %{"Content-Length" => "191",
#     "Content-Type" => "application/edn;charset=UTF-8",
#     "Date" => "Sun, 23 Nov 2014 08:51:32 GMT",
#     "Server" => "Jetty(8.1.11.v20130520)", "Vary" => "Accept"},
#   status_code: 200}}

Datomex.transact(~s([[:db/add #db/id [:db.part/user] :movie/title "trainspotting"]]))
{:ok, %HTTPoison.Response{ body: body }} = Datomex.q(~s([:find ?m :where [?m :movie/title "trainspotting"]]))
{:ok, {:vector, movies}} = :erldn.parse_str(String.to_char_list(body))
# [vector: [17592186045486], vector: [17592186045538], vector: [17592186045481],
# vector: [17592186045483], vector: [17592186045478], vector: [17592186045509],
# vector: [17592186045474], vector: [17592186045468], vector: [17592186045503],
# vector: [17592186045466], vector: [17592186045472], vector: [17592186045499],
# vector: [17592186045530], vector: [17592186045493], vector: [17592186045490],
# vector: [17592186045524], vector: [17592186045521]]

- Use `erldn` to make working with the data and queries nicer
- Add docs