
defmodule DBConnection.LogEntry do
  @moduledoc """
  Struct containing log entry information.

  See `t:t/0` for information on the fields.

  defstruct [

  @typedoc """
  Log entry information.

    * `:call` - The `DBConnection` function called
    * `:query` - The query used by the function
    * `:params` - The params passed to the function (if any)
    * `:result` - The result of the call
    * `:pool_time` - The length of time awaiting a connection from the pool (if
    the connection was not already checked out)
    * `:connection_time` - The length of time using the connection (if a
    connection was used)
    * `:decode_time` - The length of time decoding the result (if decoded the
    result using `DBConnection.Query.decode/3`)
    * `:idle_time` - The amount of time the connection was idle before use

  All times are in the native time units of the VM, see
  @type t :: %__MODULE__{
          call: atom,
          query: any,
          params: any,
          result: {:ok, any} | {:ok, any, any} | {:error, Exception.t()},
          pool_time: non_neg_integer | nil,
          connection_time: non_neg_integer | nil,
          idle_time: non_neg_integer | nil,
          decode_time: non_neg_integer | nil

  @doc false
  def new(call, query, params, times, result) do
    entry = %__MODULE__{call: call, query: query, params: params, result: result}
    parse_times(times, entry)

  ## Helpers

  defp parse_times([], entry), do: entry

  defp parse_times(times, entry) do
    stop = :erlang.monotonic_time()
    {_, entry} = Enum.reduce(times, {stop, entry}, &parse_time/2)

  defp parse_time({:decode, start}, {stop, entry}) do
    {start, %{entry | decode_time: stop - start}}

  defp parse_time({:checkout, start}, {stop, entry}) do
    {start, %{entry | pool_time: stop - start}}

  defp parse_time({:checkin, start}, {stop, entry}) do
    # The checkin time was most likely before checkout but it is
    # not guaranteed as they are tracked by different processes.
    # There should be no further measurements after checkin.
    {stop, %{entry | idle_time: max(stop - start, 0)}}

  defp parse_time({_, start}, {stop, entry}) do
    %{connection_time: connection_time} = entry
    {start, %{entry | connection_time: (connection_time || 0) + (stop - start)}}