# Erlang PostgreSQL migrations utils
## Description ##
Project is based on epgpool and epgsql.
It supports `sql` and `erl` migrations description.
## Usage ##
1. Create migrations folder (for example, `./migrations`)
2. Create migration file with numeric prefix and `.erl` or `.sql` extension.
The prefix must be unique monotonically increasing integer (1,2,3...).
No dupplicates allowed!
* In case of `erl` you need to implement `dbschema_migration` behaviour.
* In case of `sql` you need to write your sql commands directly.
And specify `-- up` and `-- down` comments to separate "up" migration part from "down"
3. Run `dbschema:up(MigrationDir)` in you `_app.erl` start function.
4. To downgrade call `dbscheam:down(MigrationDir, PrefixNum)`
## Sql migration example
-- Up
create table test(
id serial primary key,
name text
-- Down
drop table test;