# DBux
DBux provides bindings for [D-Bus](http://dbus.freedesktop.org) IPC
protocol for the [Elixir](http://elixir-lang.org) programming language.
## Project aims
DBux's aim is to provide low-level GenServer-like pattern to handle interaction
with D-Bus daemon.
It is not going to provide high-level proxy that will magically map
objects/interfaces exported over D-Bus to data structures used in your application.
In my opinion it's a task for an another abstraction layer (read: another project
built on top of DBux).
At the beginning it's going to provide only functionality needed to act as
a client. Acting as a server may be added later.
## Versioning
Project follows [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/).
## Status
Project in production use in at least one big app :) However, some things are
still not implemented:
* Marshalling variants that contain container types
* Handling message timeouts
* Handling introspection calls and other generic D-Bus methods
* Other transports than TCP
* Other authentication methods than anonymous
# Installation
Add dependency to your `mix.exs`:
defp deps do
[{:dbux, "~> 1.0.0"}]
# Sample Usage
An example `DBux.PeerConnection` process:
defmodule MyApp.Bus do
require Logger
use DBux.PeerConnection
@request_name_message_id :request_name
@add_match_message_id :add_match
@introspection """
<!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN"
<node name="/com/example/sample_object">
<interface name="com.example.SampleInterface">
<method name="Frobate">
<arg name="foo" type="i" direction="in"/>
<arg name="bar" type="s" direction="out"/>
<arg name="baz" type="a{us}" direction="out"/>
<annotation name="org.freedesktop.DBus.Deprecated" value="true"/>
<method name="Bazify">
<arg name="bar" type="(iiu)" direction="in"/>
<arg name="bar" type="v" direction="out"/>
<method name="Mogrify">
<arg name="bar" type="(iiav)" direction="in"/>
<signal name="Changed">
<arg name="new_value" type="b"/>
<property name="Bar" type="y" access="readwrite"/>
<node name="child_of_sample_object"/>
<node name="another_child_of_sample_object"/>
def start_link(hostname, options \\ []) do
DBux.PeerConnection.start_link(__MODULE__, hostname, options)
def init(hostname) do
initial_state = %{hostname: hostname}
{:ok, "tcp:host=" <> hostname <> ",port=8888", [:anonymous], initial_state}
def handle_up(state) do
{:send, [
DBux.Message.build_signal("/", "org.example.dbux.MyApp", "Connected", []),
{@add_match_message_id, DBux.MessageTemplate.add_match(:signal, nil, "org.example.dbux.OtherIface")},
{@request_name_message_id, DBux.MessageTemplate.request_name("org.example.dbux.MyApp", 0x4)}
], state}
def handle_down(state) do
{:backoff, 1000, state}
def handle_method_call(serial, sender, "/", "Introspect", "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", _body, _flags, state) do
Logger.debug("Got Introspect call")
{:send, [
DBux.Message.build_method_return(serial, sender, [%DBux.Value{type: :string, value: @introspection}])
], state}
def handle_method_return(_serial, _sender, _reply_serial, _body, @request_name_message_id, state) do
Logger.info("Name acquired")
{:noreply, state}
def handle_method_return(_serial, _sender, _reply_serial, _body, @add_match_message_id, state) do
Logger.info("Match added")
{:noreply, state}
def handle_error(_serial, _sender, _reply_serial, error_name, _body, @request_name_message_id, state) do
Logger.warn("Failed to acquire name: " <> error_name)
{:noreply, state}
def handle_error(_serial, _sender, _reply_serial, error_name, _body, @add_match_message_id, state) do
Logger.warn("Failed to add match: " <> error_name)
{:noreply, state}
def handle_signal(_serial, _sender, _path, _member, "org.example.dbux.OtherIface", _body, state) do
Logger.info("Got signal from OtherIface")
{:noreply, state}
def handle_signal(_serial, _sender, _path, _member, _member, _body, state) do
Logger.info("Got other signal")
{:noreply, state}
And of the accompanying process that can control the connection:
defmodule MyApp.Core do
def do_the_stuff do
{:ok, connection} = MyApp.Bus.start_link("dbusserver.example.com")
# Authors
Marcin Lewandowski <marcin@saepia.net>
# Debugging
If you encounter bugs, you may want to compile (not run, compile) the code with
`DBUX_DEBUG` environment variable set to any value.
# Contributing
You are welcome to open pull requests. Tests are mandatory.
# Credits
Project is heavily inspired by [Connection](https://hex.pm/packages/connection).
# License