# DecimalArithmetic
Have you ever had to do some arithmetic calculations using Elixir's [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) library? If so, you probably noticed that doing so is very unhandy, error prone and the final result looks realy ugly.
Let suppose you are building an e-commerce application and you want to calculate gross price for given net price and VAT rate. How would you do it using just plain [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) library?
iex> net_price = Decimal.new("17.99")
iex> vat_rate = Decimal.new("23")
iex> gross_price =
Decimal.div(vat_rate, Decimal.new(100)))
) |> Decimal.round(2)
Wouldn't be better (i.e. more readable) if you could write something like that:
iex> use DecimalArithmetic
iex> net_price = ~m(17.99)
iex> vat_rate = ~m(23)
iex> gross_price =
net_price * (1 + vat_rate / 100)
|> Decimal.round(2)
This library was created so that you could use [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) type in the same way you use embedded Elixir's integer and float types. Particularly in relation to 4 basic arithmetic operations (i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplying and division) and also numbers comparison.
## Installation
Add decimal_arithmetic to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:decimal_arithmetic, "~> 0.1.2"}]
## Usage
Use DecimalArithmetic library in a whole module:
defmodule MyFancyModule do
use DecimalArithmetic
or in a specific function:
defmodule MyFancyModule do
def calculate_something(a, b) do
use DecimalArithmetic
Thanks to above you get access to extended decimal arithmetic.
### Promotion to Decimal
When any expresion contains at least one operand of [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) type the rest of operands are promoted to Decimal too. E.g.:
iex> a = 23
iex> b = ~m(1.28)
iex> a + b
In above example ```a = 23``` has been promoted to [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) and then used to calculate final result. Under the hood promotion is made with ```Decimal.new```.
However in rest cases, that is when there are no Decimal operands, normal Kernel arithmetic operators are in use. E.g:
iex> a = 1
iex> b = 2
iex> a + b
### Numbers comparison
Besides basic arithmetic the library provides all typical comparison operators.
iex> a = ~m(23.45)
iex> b = ~m(23.46)
iex> a > b
iex> a < b
iex> a <= b
Promotion to [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) relates to comparison operators too.