# DecimalArithmetic
Have you ever had to do some arithmetic calculations using Elixir's [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) library? If so, you probably noticed that doing so is very unhandy, error prone and the final result looks realy ugly.
Let suppose you are building an e-commerce application and you want to calculate gross price for given net price and VAT rate. How would you do it using just plain [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) library?
iex> net_price = Decimal.new("17.99")
iex> vat_rate = Decimal.new("23")
iex> gross_price =
Decimal.div(vat_rate, Decimal.new(100)))
) |> Decimal.round(2)
Wouldn't be better (i.e. more readable) if you could write something like that:
iex> use DecimalArithmetic
iex> net_price = ~m(17.99)
iex> vat_rate = ~m(23)
iex> gross_price = net_price * (1 + vat_rate / 100) |> Decimal.round(2)
This library was created so that you could use [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) type in the same way you use embedded Elixir's integer and float types. Particularly in relation to 4 basic arithmetic operations (i.e. addition, subtraction, multiplying and division) and also numbers comparison.
## Installation
Add decimal_arithmetic to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:decimal_arithmetic, "~> 2.0.0"}]
## Usage
Use DecimalArithmetic library in a whole module:
defmodule MyFancyModule do
use DecimalArithmetic
or in a specific function:
defmodule MyFancyModule do
def calculate_something(a, b) do
use DecimalArithmetic
Thanks to above you get access to extended decimal arithmetic.
### Using the equality operator for complex data structures (structs, lists, tuples or maps)
Every so often it happens (for example in tests) that we would like to compare not only two decimals
but two complex data structures which include nested decimals.
Unfortunately, the way Elixir compares structs (yes, `Decimal` is a `struct`) causes that sometimes
two complex structures are not equal just because one of decimals is not normalised.
Let's take into account the following example:
a = {~m(3)}
b = {~m(3.000)}
a == b #=> false
Even though both tuples store the same decimal number (3) the result of comparison is negative.
The problem is that the Decimal struct represents the above two numbers in two different ways in
computer memory.
For this reason normaly we can't use a simple equality operator when we want to compare
two decimals (and that's the reason why we use this library).
Instead we are supposed to use `Decimal.compare` function.
That's what `DecimalArithemtic` does under the hood.
However, by default the library tries to interfere with the language as little as possible.
To mitigate the described problem a special parameter (`support_nested_equality`) was introduced
which affects the way how decimals are compared in complex structures.
Setting `support_nested_equality: true` causes that the following tests pass without any errors.
The downside of this approach is that before a comparison every decimal element of a complex
structure is normalised what means there can be some performance penalty which has to be payed.
defmodule MyFancyTestModule do
use ExUnit.Case
use DecimalArithmetic, support_nested_equality: true
test "==" do
assert {~m(3)} == {~m(3.000)}
assert [~m(3), ~m(12.30000)] == [~m(3.000), ~m(12.3)]
assert %{value: ~m(3)} == %{value: ~m(3.000)}
assert %{value: ~m(4.001)} == %{value: ~m(4.001000)}
assert [
%{volume: ~m(3)},
%{price: {~m(23.0000000), "PLN"}}
] == [
%{volume: ~m(3.000)},
%{price: {~m(23), "PLN"}}
### Promotion to Decimal
When any expresion contains at least one operand of [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) type the rest of operands are promoted to Decimal too. E.g.:
iex> a = 23
iex> b = ~m(1.28)
iex> a + b
In above example ```a = 23``` has been promoted to [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) and then used to calculate final result. Under the hood promotion is made with ```Decimal.new```.
However in rest cases, that is when there are no Decimal operands, normal Kernel arithmetic operators are in use. E.g:
iex> a = 1
iex> b = 2
iex> a + b
### Numbers comparison
Besides basic arithmetic the library provides all typical comparison operators.
iex> a = ~m(23.45)
iex> b = ~m(23.46)
iex> a > b
iex> a < b
iex> a <= b
Promotion to [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) relates to comparison operators too.
### Versioning
Since version 2.0.0 the library version will follow the major version of [Decimal](https://github.com/ericmj/decimal) (which, by the way, means we skip version 1.0.0).