# Elixir function decorators
A function decorator is an "`@`" annotation that sits in front
of a function definition. It can be used to add extra functionality
to Elixir functions. The runtime overhead of a function decorator is
zero, as it is executed on compile time.
Examples of function decorators include: loggers, instrumentation
(timing), precondition checks, et cetera.
## A remark in advance
Some people think function decorators are a bad idea, as they can
perform magic stuff on your functions (side effects!). Personally, I
think they are just another form of metaprogramming, one of Elixir's
selling points. But use decorators wisely, and always study the
decorator code itself, so you know what it is doing.
**Note** When using decorators without arguments, Elixir warns you
with a message *warning: module attribute @some_decorator in code
block has no effect as it is never returned*. This is unfortunate but
cannot be prevented, as this warning is emitted in a very early stage
of compilation.
## Installation
Add `decorator` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:decorator, "~> 0.0"}]
You can now define your function decorators.
## Usage
Function decorators are macros which you put just before defining a
function. It looks like this:
defmodule MyModule do
use PrintDecorator
def square(a) do
a * a
Now whenever you call `MyModule.square()`, you'll see the message: `Function called: square` in the console.
Defining the decorator is pretty easy. Create a module in which you
*use* the `Decorator.Define` module, passing in the decorator name and
arity, or more than one if you want.
The following defines a print() decorator which prints a message every time the function is called:
defmodule PrintDecorator do
use Decorator.Define, [print: 0]
def print(body, context) do
quote do
IO.puts("Function called: " <> Atom.to_string(unquote(context.name)))
Note that `print()` here is a function, not a macro! The actual macro
has arity 0, and will be imported in the caller module. The decorator
module's `print()` function gets called when the actual function is
being defined.
The arguments to the decorator function are the function's body (the
AST), as well as a `context` argument which holds information like the
function's name, defining module, arity and the arguments AST.
### Compile-time arguments
Decorators can have compile-time arguments passed into the decorator
For instance, you could let the print function only print when a certain logging level has been set:
def foo() do
In this case, you specify the arity 1 for the decorator:
defmodule PrintDecorator do
use Decorator.Define, [print: 1]
And then your `print()` decorator function gets the level passed in as
the first argument:
def print(level, body, context) do
# ...