# deeperl
An Erlang/OTP application for the official [DeepL API].
**HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL** at the moment, so use at your own risk.
[![Hex pm](http://img.shields.io/hexpm/v/deeperl.svg?style=flat)](https://hex.pm/packages/deeperl)
## Configuration
### Authentication
The DeepL authentication key can be set in the application environment using the `auth_key` setting or using `deeperl:auth_key/1`.
Changing the authentication key at runtime will take effect immediately.
### Http Options
deeperl utilizes [Gun] in the default configuration for its http requests. Gun options can be set in the application environment with the `gun_opts` setting.
Changing the Gun options will take effect after restarting deeperl.
## Starting deeperl
deeperl is an [OTP] application. Before using any of the functions you will have to start it.
To start in the console run:
$ rebar3 shell
1> application:ensure_all_started(deeperl).
Or add deeperl to the applications property of your .app files.
## Basic usage
### Monitoring usage
Official API documentation: [https://www.deepl.com/docs-api.html?part=other#other__usage]
1> {CharacterCount, CharacterLimit} = deeperl:usage().
### Listing supported languages
Official API documentation: [https://www.deepl.com/docs-api.html?part=other#other__languages]
2> Languages = deeperl:languages().
### Translating text
Official API documentation: [https://www.deepl.com/docs-api.html?part=translating_text]
3> TargetLanguage = it,
3> Texts = ["Dear sir or madam", "This is an example"],
3> deeperl:translate(TargetLanguage, Texts).
[{en,<<"Gentile signore o signora">>},
{en,<<"Questo è un esempio"/utf8>>}]
Translation options can be set with `deeperl:translate/3`:
4> Options = #{preserve_formatting => true, split_sentences => nonewlines},
4> deeperl:translate(TargetLanguage, Texts, Options).
[{en,<<"Gentile signore o signora">>},
{en,<<"Questo è un esempio"/utf8>>}]
The purpose of each option is described in the API documentation of DeepL.
The type specification for the options are:
-type translation_options() :: #{
source_lang => de | en | es | fr | it | nl | pl | pt | ru,
split_sentences => boolean() | nonewlines,
preserve_formatting => boolean(),
tag_handling => xml,
outline_detection => boolean(),
non_splitting_tags => [nonempty_string()],
splitting_tags => [nonempty_string()],
ignore_tags => [nonempty_string()]
[DeepL API]: https://www.deepl.com/docs-api.html
[Gun]: https://ninenines.eu/docs/en/gun/2.0/guide/
[hex]: https://hex.pm/packages/deeperl
[OTP]: http://www.erlang.org/doc/design_principles/users_guide.html