# Deux

Status monitor for external services:
- Redis: track specific keys values
- Ping: track status or body responses
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `deux` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:deux, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Setup
Deux uses `exredis` to monitor redis services, you will need to configure it with
config :exredis,
reconnect: :no_reconnect,
max_queue: :infinity
if your application already have `exredis` you don't need to change your configuration
## Usage
### Add Redis
To monitor redis you need to add with
redis_source = Deux.Redis.add(name: "localhost", url: "redis://", filters: [%{filter: "flag:*"}])
### Add Ping
To monitor ping you need to add with
ping_source = Deux.Ping.add(name: "localhost", request: [method: :get, url: ""], mode: :body)
### Load sources
To load all sources reports
{:ok, sources} = Deux.list_sources()
You also can fetch an specific source with a given id
{:ok, source} = Deux.get_source("213243546576")
## Load on boot with config
You can also set your monitors to through the config
config :deux,
redis: [
name: "localhost flags",
url: "redis://",
filters: [%{filter: "flag:*"}]
name: "Another source",
url: "redis://services.example.com:6379",
filters: [%{regex: ~r/category_.*/}]
ping: [
name: "Example pingdown",
request: [
method: :get,
url: "https://example.com/",
mode: :status
name: "Config endpoint",
request: [
method: :get,
url: "https://example.com/api/v2/config",
mode: :body
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