# Elixir Deploy Manager
A set of Mix tasks to deploy your Elixir Application
## Usage
You can deploy your Elixir Application with the `deploy` task:
mix deploy
This task deploys the complete release for you. It will upload your project with `rsync`, download Elixir and NodeJS dependencies, compile Elixir & JavaScript source files, then build a release with `exrm`.
For your convenience, there're also some more tasks you can work with:
1. `mix deploy.setup`, setup a deployment environment for the current mix application.
2. `mix deploy.service`, run `exrm` application script on remote (eg: `mix deploy.service start`).
3. `mix deploy.mix`, run a Mix task on remote (eg: `mix deploy.mix ecto.migrate`).
4. `mix deploy.clean`, Ccean the deployment environment for the current mix application.
## Installation
Like `exrm`, this project's goal is to make deployments with Elixir projects a breeze. It is composed of a mix task, and build your Elixir project with `exrm`, then deploy it to your server. All you have to do to get started is the following:
**Add `dex` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:**
def application do
[applications: [:dex]]
def deps do
[{:dex, "~> x.x.x"}]
There are a number of options you can tweak to customize the way `dex` is used. All of the options described below should be put into your config.exs file.
config :dex, DeployManager,
server: "your.server.com",
username: "your_username",
deploy_to: "/var/www/your_app",
link_files: ["config/prod.secret.exs", ".env"]