# Dictator
Dictator is a plug-based authorization mechanism.
## Installation
First, you need to add `:dictator` to your list of dependencies on your `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:dictator, github: "subvisual/dictator"}]
## Usage
**IMPORTANT: `Dictator` assumes you have your current user in your
`conn.assigns`. See our [demo app](https://github.com/subvisual/dictator_demo)
for an example on integrating with guardian.**
To authorize your users, just add in your controller:
defmodule ClientWeb.ThingController do
use ClientWeb, :controller
plug Dictator.Plug.Authorize
# ...
That plug will automatically look for a `ClientWeb.Policies.Thing` module, which
should `use Dictator.Policy`, provide the resource that is being authorized
access to, and you can define two functions: `can?/3` and `load_resource/1`.
In `lib/client_web/policies/thing.ex`:
defmodule ClientWeb.Policies.Thing do
alias Client.Context.Thing
use Dictator.Policy, for: Thing
# User can edit, update, delete and show their own things
def can?(%User{id: user_id}, action, %Thing{user_id: user_id})
when action in [:edit, :update, :delete, :show], do: true
# Any user can index, new and create things
def can?(_, action, _) when action in [:index, :new, :create], do: true
# Users can't do anything else (users editing, updating, deleting and showing)
# on things they don't own
def can?(_, _, _), do: false
This exact scenario is, in fact, so common that already comes bundled as
`Dictator.Policies.Standard`. This is equivalent to the previous definition:
defmodule ClientWeb.Policies.Thing do
alias Client.Context.Thing
use Dictator.Policies.Standard, for: Thing
### Custom Options
The following params can be passed to `Dictator.Policy` and
- **`for:` (required)** - the module of the resource being accessed.
- **`repo:` (optional, automatically inferred)** - repo to load the resource.
- **`key:` (optional, default: `:id`)** - primary key of the resource being
The following params can be passed to `Dictator.Policies.Standard`:
- **`foreign_key:` (optional, `default: :user_id`)** - foreign key of the
resource being accessed. If you're accessing a `Post` with that has an
`organization_key` instead of a `user_id`, use this option to override it.
- **`owner_key:` (optional, default: `:id`)** - primary key of the owner of the
resource. If you're accessing a `Post` with that belongs to an `Organization`
that uses a `:slug` key as primary instead of an `id`, use this option.
The following params can be passed to `Dictator.Plug.Authorize`:
- **`only:` (optional, defaults to all actions)** - actions subject to
- **`policy:` (optional, infers the policy)** - policy to be used
- **`resource_key:` (optional, default: `:current_user`)** - key to use in the
`conn.assigns` to load the currently logged in resource.
#### Overriding the Repo
By `use`ing `Dictator.Policy`, it will automatically infer the correct repo. If
it cannot do so, it will fail compiling. If that happens, you need to pass the
correct repo module:
defmodule ClientWeb.Policies.Thing do
alias Client.Context.Thing
alias Client.FunkyRepoForThings
use Dictator.Policies.Standard, for: Thing, repo: FunkyRepoForThings
#### Using a different primary key
When getting the resource being accessed from the database, `Dictator` calls
`YourRepo.get_by(YourModule, id: id)`. But if you use a primary key other than
`id`, you can set it by overriding the `key` option:
defmodule ClientWeb.Policies.Thing do
alias Client.Context.Thing
use Dictator.Policies.Standard, for: Thing, key: :uuid
If you need further customizing how the resource is loaded from the database,
you can override the `load_resource/1`, which receives the route params as
defmodule ClientWeb.Policies.Thing do
alias Client.Context.Thing
alias Client.FunkyRepoForThings
use Dictator.Policies.Standard, for: Thing
def load_resource(params) do
if params["uuid"] && params["name"] do
FunkyRepoForThings.get_by(Thing, uuid: params["uuid"], name: [params["name"]])
FunkyRepoForThings.get(Thing, params["id"])
#### Overriding the resource foreign key
Sometimes the resource you're trying to access (e.g a `Post`) has a different
foreign key than `user_id`. Let's assume it belongs to an organization and has
an `organization_id` foreign key. You can override this by doing
defmodule ClientWeb.Policies.Post do
alias Client.Context.Post
use Dictator.Policies.Standard, for: Post, foreign_key: :organization_id
#### Overriding the primary key of the resource being authorized
This option allows you to override the primary key of the resource that is being
granted or denied access. Imagine your User has a `uuid` primary key instead of
an `id`. You can use the standard police by doing the following:
defmodule ClientWeb.Policies.Post do
alias Client.Context.Post
use Dictator.Policies.Standard, for: Post, owner_key: :id
#### Limitting the actions to be authorized
If you want to only limit authorization to a few actions you can use the `:only`
option when calling the plug. In your controller.
defmodule ClientWeb.ThingController do
use ClientWeb, :controller
plug Dictator.Plug.Authorize, only: [:edit, :update]
# ...
This way, all other actions will not go through the authorization plug and the
policy will only be enforced for the `edit` and `update` actions.
#### Overriding the policy to be used
By default, the `Authorize` plug will automatically infer the policy to be used.
`MyWebApp.UserController` would mean a `MyWebApp.Policies.User` policy to use.
However, by using the `:policy` option, that can be overriden
defmodule ClientWeb.ThingController do
use ClientWeb, :controller
plug Dictator.Plug.Authorize, policy: MyPolicy
# ...
#### Overriding the current user key
By default, the `Authorize` plug will automatically search for a `current_user`
in the `conn.assigns`. You can change this behaviour by using the `resource_key`
option in the `plug` call.
defmodule ClientWeb.ThingController do
use ClientWeb, :controller
plug Dictator.Plug.Authorize, resource_key: :current_organization
# ...
# Contributing
Feel free to contribute.
If you found a bug, open an issue. You can also open a PR for bugs or new
features. Your PRs will be reviewed and subject to our style guide and linters.
All contributions **must** follow the [Code of
and [Subvisual's guides](https://github.com/subvisual/guides).
## Setup
To clone and setup the repo:
git clone git@github.com:subvisual/dictator.git
cd dictator
And everything should automatically be installed for you.
To run the development server:
# About
`Dictator` is maintained by [Subvisual](http://subvisual.com).
[<img alt="Subvisual logo" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/subvisual/guides/master/github/templates/subvisual_logo_with_name.png" width="350px" />](https://subvisual.com)