# Diesel

A toolkit to build DSLs in Elixir

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `diesel` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:diesel, "~> 0.1.0"}
## Description

DSLs built with Diesel are:

* Purely declarative: they look just like HTML
* Extensible: via package modules and generators

## Usage

### Defining a DSL

Here is a very simple dsl that provides with a syntax composed of a `fsm` and a `state` macro:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Dsl do
  use Diesel.Dsl,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    root: :fsm,
    packages: [


defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Dsl.State do
  use Diesel.Package, tags: [:state]

### Compiling a DSL

Once defined, a DSL syntax can be imported into a library module:

defmodule MyApp.Fsm do
  use Diesel,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    dsl: Fsm.Dsl,
    generators: [ ... ]

A list of generator mode can be provided, in order to produce actual Elixir code out of the DSL.
Check the `Diesel.Generator` behaviour for more information on this.

### Kernel conflicts

Depending on how you define your DSL, you might get compiler errors in the form `function /Y
imported from both (YOUR DSL) and Kernel, call is ambiguous`.

You can stop importing the one from Kernel via the `:overrides` key, eg:

defmodule MyApp.Html do
  use Diesel,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    dsl: MyApp.Html.Dsl,
    overrides: [div: 1]

### Compilation flags

Compilation flags allow you to customise the definition before it goes to the actual compilation phase:

defmodule MyApp.Latex do
  use Diesel,
    otp_app: :my_app,
    dsl: MyApp.Latex.Dsl,
    compilation_flags: [:strip_root]

Supported flags:

* `strip_root`: before compiling, strip the root element from the definition.

### Using a DSL

The `Fsm` library module from the example above is now ready to be used:

defmodule MyApp.Payment do
  use MyApp.Fsm

  fsm do
    state name: :pending do

    state name: :accepted do

    state name: :declined do

### Extending a DSL

DSLs made with Diesel are not closed. Once defined, they can still be extended by application
developers, via application environment configuration:

config :my_app, MyApp.Fsm.Dsl, packages: [ ...]
config :my_app, MyApp.Fsm, generators: [ ... ]