defmodule Diesel.Tag do
@moduledoc """
Tags are the building blocks for the syntax offered by a Diesel DSL.
defmodule MyApp.Fsm.Dsl.State do
use Diesel.Tag
attribute :name, kind: :atom
child :on, :min: 0
For more information on how to define structured tags, please check the examples provided in the documentation and in tests
use Diesel,
otp_app: :diesel,
parsers: [],
generators: [
@doc """
Validates the given definition node against the given tag
This function supports both structured and plain atom tags.
For plain atom tags, this function will always return success.
def validate(tag, node), do: if(structured?(tag), do: tag.validate(node), else: :ok)
@doc """
Returns whether a tag is structured or not
def structured?(tag) do
if tag |> to_string() |> String.starts_with?("Elixir."), do: Code.ensure_compiled!(tag)
function_exported?(tag, :name, 0) && function_exported?(tag, :validate, 1)
@doc """
Returns the name of the given tag
For unstructured, plain atom tags, the name is simply the atom itself
def name(tag), do: if(structured?(tag), do:, else: tag)