# Overview

Dead simple [Elixir]( wrapper for the
[DigitalOcean API](

## Installation

First, add DigitalOcean to your `mix.exs` dependencies:

def deps do
  [{:digitalocean_api_wrapper, "~> 0.1"}]
Then, update your dependencies:

$ mix deps.get

## Configuration

See the [sample configuration](config/config.sample.exs)

Edit to taste.

## Usage

The library leverages the [Tesla]( HTTP
library, and for now it simply wraps the Tesla GET/POST/etc methods

The path and JSON data parameters can be figured out via DigitalOcean's

### Examples

# Get account info.
{:ok, response} = DigitalOcean.get "/account"
IO.puts response.status
IO.inspect response.headers
IO.inspect response.body

# Get images.
{:ok, response} = DigitalOcean.get("/images", query: [per_page: 200])
Enum.each response.body["images"], fn image ->
  IO.inspect image

# This is a handy trick for bypassing DO's requirement to reset the root
# password on first login. Edit 'someotherpassword' to the root password you'd
# like, pass user_data in the configuration, and ignore the DO root password
# email :)
user_data = "#cloud-config\n\nruncmd:\n  - echo root:someotherpassword | chpasswd"

# Create droplet.
configuration = %{
  image: 30035107,
  name: "my-debian-stretch",
  region: "nyc3",
  size: "512mb",
  private_networking: false,
  ipv6: false,
  backups: false,
  monitoring: false,
  tags: [
  user_data: user_data,
{:ok, response} ="/droplets", configuration)

# Rename droplet.
id = 75372859
{:ok, response} ="/droplets/#{id}/actions", %{:type => "rename", :name => "updated-debian-stretch"})

# Delete droplet.
id = 75372859
{:ok, response} = DigitalOcean.delete("/droplets/#{id}")
