# digraph_export
Copyright (c) 2018 John Krukoff
__Version:__ 1.0.0
__Authors:__ John Krukoff ([`github@cultist.org`](mailto:github@cultist.org)).
### Overview ###
![Graph Animation](doc/graph.gif)
The digraph_export module provides a set of utility functions for converting
digraph graphs into common graph file formats. In addition, graph viewing
programs can be launched to view those files.
It is intended for use in debugging and visualizing graphs, not for
customizing the export process. As such, no graph features beyond digraph's
built in ID and label constructs are supported.
### Usage ###
1> Graph = digraph:new(),
digraph:add_vertex(Graph, 1, first),
digraph:add_vertex(Graph, 2, second),
digraph:add_edge(Graph, edge, 1, 2, connected).
2> GraphML = digraph_export:convert(Graph, graphml).
3> digraph_export:view(GraphML, graphml, cytoscape).
![Cytoscape Example Graph](doc/usage.png)
#### Formats ####
The following output file formats are supported:
* [dot](http://www.graphviz.org/doc/info/lang.md)
* [graphml](http://graphml.graphdrawing.org/)
#### Programs ####
If installed and present on the current $PATH, the following programs can be
* [gephi](https://gephi.org/)
* [cytoscape](https://cytoscape.org/)
### Contributing ###
Please fork the repo and submit a PR. Tests are run via:
rebar3 eunit
Documentation is autogenerated using edown and edoc via:
rebar3 as markdown edoc
The application has only been tested with Erlang/OTP 21 on Windows 10. Reports
of success (or failure!) on other versions and operating systems are
### Lineage ###
This module was created while working on an [exercism.io
erlang exercise](https://exercism.io/tracks/erlang/exercises/connect/solutions/caf32f0478c442dcb4e77db024c5d375), where I had managed to incorrectly create the underlying
graph. Once I finally found the bug, I realized it would have been quite a bit
easier if I'd been able to visualize the graph I'd created.
## Modules ##
<table width="100%" border="0" summary="list of modules">
<tr><td><a href="http://github.com/jkrukoff/digraph_export/blob/master/doc/digraph_export.md" class="module">digraph_export</a></td></tr></table>