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# Diplomat
Diplomat is an Elixir library for interacting with Google's Cloud Datastore.
## Installation
1. Add datastore to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:diplomat, "~> 0.2"}]
2. Make sure you've configured [Goth](https://github.com/peburrows/goth) with your credentials:
config :goth,
json: {:system, "GCP_CREDENTIALS_JSON"}
## Usage
#### Insert an Entity:
%{"name" => "My awesome book", "author" => "Phil Burrows"},
) |> Diplomat.Entity.insert
#### Find an Entity via a GQL Query:
"select * from `Book` where name = @name",
%{name: "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea"}
) |> Diplomat.Query.execute