# dirent - Iterative directory listing library
Copyright (c) 2020 Telnyx LLC.
__Version:__ 1.0.0
# dirent
**dirent** is an iterative directory listing for Erlang.
Erlang functions such as `filelib:fold_files/5`, `file:list_dir/1`, `c:ls/0,1`,
etc return files from directories _after_ reading them from the filesystem.
When you have an humongous number of files on a single folder, all these
functions will block for a certain time.
In these cases you may not be interested in returning the full list of files,
but instead you may want to list them _iteratively_, returning each entry after
the another to your process, at the moment they are taken from
## Installation
Download the sources from our [Github repository](http://github.com/team-telnyx/erlang-dirent)
To build the application simply run `rebar3 compile`.
Or add it to your rebar config add:
{deps, [
{dirent, ".*", {git, "git://github.com/team-telnyx/dirent.git", {branch, "master"}}}
## Basic usage
The most basic usage of `dirent` is:
> {ok, Dir} = dirent:opendir(".").
> dirent:readdir(Dir).
> dirent:readdir(Dir).
> dirent:readdir(Dir).
> dirent:readdir(Dir).
But you can also use the functions `dirent:foreach/2` and `dirent:fold/3`.
For example, to print all files in the folder, one per line, do:
dirent:foreach(".", fun(F) -> io:fwrite("~s~n", [F]), cont end).
and if you need to collect all files from a folder in a list, do:
dirent:fold(".", fun(F, Tail) -> {cont, [F | Tail]} end, []).
The `dirent:foreach/2` function `Fun` can return `cont` or `halt`. In the
former case, the loop will continue reading files, while in the latter case the
loop will halt and the function will return `ok`.
The `dirent:fold/3` function `Fun` can return `{cont, AccOut}` or `{halt,
AccOut}`, likewise the above, but also returning the accumulator, which is
passed to the `{ok, AccOut}` return value.