# DiscordBotList
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**Unofficial Elixir library for the top.gg API**
![DBL logo](https://top.gg/assets/images/discord_v2.1225443.svg)
## ***Critical information!***
The library doesn't yet have vote webhooks!
## Installation
For now you can install the hex package via git.
def deps do
{:discord_bot_list, git: "https://github.com/zastrixarundell/discordbotlist"}
## Usage examples
The library does not yet have hexdocs but you can access the general functions from the main module! Here are a couple of examples of what you can expect (the default token and bot_id are already set in the config in these examples):
### Getting info about the default bot via the default token and id:
avatar: "ba28629d4259ebf3fee6f38ff9cfb503",
certified_bot: false,
date: ~U[2019-07-21 21:22:32.814Z],
def_avatar: "0e291f67c9274a1abdddeb3fd919cbaa",
discriminator: "1523",
donatebot_guild_id: "",
github: "https://github.com/ZastrixArundell/ToramBot",
guilds: [],
id: "600302983305101323",
invite: "",
lib: "Javacord",
longdesc: "# ToramBot\r\nA bot for your Discord Toram guild. Thi...",
monthly_points: 11,
owners: ["192300733234675722"],
points: 320,
prefix: ">",
shortdesc: "A bot solely for the purpose of assisting players in Toram. Its commands are all game-related.",
support: "MdASH22",
tags: ["Utility", "Game", "Leveling"],
username: "Toram-sensei",
vanity: nil,
website: ""
### Getting info about a bot with a specific id:
DiscordBotList.get_single_bot(id: "641309305227837440")
avatar: "9c1d1a86260cde7698153657e35150ec",
certified_bot: false,
date: ~U[2020-04-14 08:00:09.502Z],
def_avatar: "dd4dbc0016779df1378e7812eabaa04d",
discriminator: "8492",
donatebot_guild_id: "",
github: "https://github.com/zastrixarundell/Catlixir/tree/master",
guilds: [],
id: "641309305227837440",
invite: "https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=641309305227837440&permissions=0&scope=bot",
lib: "Other",
longdesc: "A discord bot written in Elixir for... Cats! \r\n\r\nThis bot has mu...",
monthly_points: 0,
owners: ["192300733234675722"],
points: 1,
prefix: ".cat",
shortdesc: "A discord bot written in Elixir for... Cats! ",
support: "MdASH22",
tags: ["Fun"],
username: "Catlixir",
vanity: nil,
website: ""
### Getting info about a bot by username, this will search on the API:
bots: [
avatar: "9c1d1a86260cde7698153657e35150ec",
certified_bot: false,
date: ~U[2020-04-14 08:00:09.502Z],
def_avatar: "dd4dbc0016779df1378e7812eabaa04d",
discriminator: "8492",
donatebot_guild_id: "",
github: "https://github.com/zastrixarundell/Catlixir/tree/master",
guilds: [],
id: "641309305227837440",
invite: "https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=641309305227837440&permissions=0&scope=bot",
lib: "Other",
longdesc: "A discord bot written in Elixir for... Cats! \r\n\r\nThis bot has mu...",
monthly_points: 0,
owners: ["192300733234675722"],
points: 1,
prefix: ".cat",
shortdesc: "A discord bot written in Elixir for... Cats! ",
support: "MdASH22",
tags: ["Fun"],
username: "Catlixir",
vanity: nil,
website: ""
count: 1,
limit: 50,
offset: 0,
total: 1
### Getting user info via the id (you can only search via the id):
admin: false,
avatar: "49878dd32e791ec30cd05aab5558eb48",
banner: nil,
bio: nil,
certified_dev: false,
color: nil,
def_avatar: "dd4dbc0016779df1378e7812eabaa04d",
discriminator: "9202",
id: "192300733234675722",
mod: false,
social: %DiscordBotList.Struct.Social{
github: nil,
instagram: nil,
reddit: nil,
twitter: nil,
youtube: nil
supporter: false,
username: "Zastrix",
web_mod: false
## Configuration
If you don't want to always set the token and id itself, you can set the default token and id in `config.exs` like so:
config :discord_bot_list,
id: System.get_env("DBL_BOT_ID"),
token: System.get_env("DBL_TOKEN")
## Documentation (pending)
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/discord_bot_list](https://hexdocs.pm/discord_bot_list).