# DiscordOauth2Server
Elixir server using [Discord OAuth2](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/topics/oauth2) service and an existing database to provide JWS token.
<img src="https://docs.fearthec.io/images/ftc-logo.png" alt="Fear The C{ode}" width="400">
It acts as a proxy. From the client side, simply redirects to the `/login` endpoint, which will then

## Dependencies
### Elixir platform
- Elixir 1.7.3
- Erlang/OTP 21
### Supported Databases
Only PostgreSQL with [Postgrex](https://github.com/elixir-ecto/postgrex) is supported at this time, as no abstractions has been implemented (yet) to easily swap between DBs and drivers.
### Supported encryption
As of now, the server provides ECDSA-like signed JWS. A little more development may be necessary to support more algorithms.
## Quick Start
## Exemples
### /ping
"status": "ok",
"timestamp": "1537360546"
### /public_keys
"keys": {
"crv": "P-521",
"kty": "EC",
"x": "ABeULuyYwEDVAkJtgNvgeG0v6rNtKDOYkKUMqjJyR-aCfjbkPpsl2MZXVdsjNR31oGbCB4gT5qpgjiXgqqqT5BRC",
"y": "AdDA3RxRlGzy0chCTKaWQffWx9xBDrOPKf_TgpzlfdJw9QykNCguvAQeE7ZrzwPcAziRAQcVmorzPpGioR96VsY6"
"status": "ok"