# discourse-as-sso-erlang
Low-level erlang library to encode/decode payloads for using the forum software Discourse as an SSO endpoint.
Who is this For?
You want to use this library if you are building an application in Erlang
and/or Elixir (or possibly LFE), and want to use the Discourse forum software
as your user management system.
The Discourse development team has published a specification for using their
software as an SSO endpoint in this post:
This is **NOT** for the reverse case, where you have a Discourse forum and want
to use another system as your single-sign-on.
This is a low-level library for generating the payload according to the
specification in the above discussion (with hex encoded HMAC-Sha256
signatures), and has some helper methods for creating the URLs for redirecting.
It is still up to you to save the nonce in your Erlang/Elixir application and
to set your own cookies post validation.
There are four main API methods, of which two will be mainly used:
The first two are for generating the payload to send **to** Discourse, and the last
two methods are for validating the payload sent back **from** Discourse (i.e. to the return
url that you specified).
-type discourse_host() :: string().
-type nonce() :: string().
-type redirect_url() :: string().
-type return_url() :: string().
-type key() :: string().
-type query_string() :: binary().
-type user_nvs() :: #{}.
Mostly, you will use `as_formatted` and `validate_query_string`. These methods
wrap the other two, but handle creating (or decoding) URLs.
-spec as_formatted(discourse_host(), return_url(), key()) ->
{redirect_url(), nonce()}.
**It is up to you to re-direct.** This library is not HTTP-aware.
It is also up to you to store the nonce. This will be your lookup-key for
when Discourse redirects back to the `return_url()`.
-spec validate_query_string(query_string(), key()) ->
invalid | {valid, nonce(), user_nvs()}.
**It is up to you to have an HTTP client (Cowboy?) listening at `return_url()`** This library
is not HTTP-aware. If parsed and valid, you will use the nonce that was encoded in the payload
to lookup any stored values, etc, to know which request this is. You should probably set your own
cookies, so as not to have to go back to Discourse for re-authentication.
The nonce that this library generates is a Crockford32-encoded random id. Not quite as _rare_ as a UUID,
but probably not going to hit you anytime in the next eon. Nonces are momentary anyways.
Example of Encoding payload to send to Discourse:
2> discourse_as_sso_erlang:as_formatted("https://forum.wordadoplicus.com","https://wordadoplicus.com/return_url","mykey").
Example of Decoding return values from Discourse:
16> discourse_as_sso_erlang:validate_query_string(<<"sso=bm9uY2U9MWM1MzR0YmJxbTBnZyZuYW1lPURhbmllbG9wb2RvbiZ1c2VybmFt%0AZT13b3JkYWRvcGxpY3VzLWFkbWluJmVtYWlsPXNlcnZpY2UlNDB3b3JkYWRv%0AcGxpY3VzLmNvbSZleHRlcm5hbF9pZD0xJnJldHVybl9zc29fdXJsPWh0dHBz%0AJTNBJTJGJTJGd29yZGFkb3BsaWN1cy5jb20lMkZib29vJmFkbWluPXRydWUm%0AbW9kZXJhdG9yPWZhbHNl%0A&sig=0e59abaca0a6ec881d91d54ad8ce8feab65acebd467b28e7361a2c9dc822fc73">>,"wacopacotaco").
#{<<"admin">> => <<"true">>,
<<"email">> => <<"service@wordadoplicus.com">>,
<<"external_id">> => <<"1">>,
<<"moderator">> => <<"false">>,
<<"name">> => <<"Danielopodon">>,
<<"nonce">> => <<"1c534tbbqm0gg">>,
<<"return_sso_url">> => <<"https://wordadoplicus.com/booo">>,
<<"username">> => <<"wordadoplicus-admin">>}}