# dispenser
`dispenser` is an Elixir library for buffering events and sending them to multiple subscribers.
## Terminology
The terminology used in `dispenser` is similar to the terminology used in [`gen_stage`](https://hex.pm/packages/gen_stage).
`events` are pieces of data you want to send to `subscriber`s.
A `buffer` is something that you can put `events` into.
Multiple `subscriber`s can `ask` a `buffer` for any number of `events`.
The amount of `events` that a `subscriber` has `ask`ed for and is waiting to receive is its `demand`.
## Overview
The basic function of the library is to accept `events` and assign them to `subscribers`.
There are two main "modes" for the `buffer`:
1. Normal Mode: There are more subscription `demand`s than there are `events` in the `buffer`.
The buffer is not filling up and events can be sent.
2. Overloaded Mode: There are more events than the subscribers can handle.
If the buffer becomes completely filled, it will drop events according to its `LimitedQueue.drop_strategy\0`.
Different uses of the library can decide how to handle these cases.
Two example `GenServer`s are implemented along with the library (see below).
## Usage / API
Append events and add subscription demand in any order, and then use `Buffer.assign_events/1` to assign events to subscribers.
alias Dispenser.{Buffer, AssignmentStrategy}
capacity = 4
buffer = Buffer.new(AssignmentStrategy.Even, capacity, :drop_newest)
# Buffer.size(buffer) == 0
# Buffer.stats(buffer) == %{buffered: 0, demand: 0}
events = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"]
{buffer, dropped} = Buffer.append(buffer, events)
# dropped == 1
# Buffer.stats(buffer) == %{buffered: 4, demand: 0}
subscription_1 = make_ref()
buffer = Buffer.ask(buffer, subscription_1, 2)
# Buffer.stats(buffer) == %{buffered: 4, demand: 2}
subscription_2 = make_ref()
buffer = Buffer.ask(buffer, subscription_2, 2)
# Buffer.stats(buffer) == %{buffered: 4, demand: 4}
{buffer, assignments} = Buffer.assign_events(buffer)
# Buffer.stats(buffer) == %{buffered: 0, demand: 0}
# assignments == [{^subscription_1, ["a", "b"]}, {^subscription_2, ["c", "d"]}]
## Helper Modules
The library is broken into several pieces that can be implemented and tested simply.
1. `Dispenser.Demands` is an opaque module that keeps track of demands from subscribers.
2. `Dispenser.AssignmentStrategy.Even` is the assignment method we use to decide which subscribers to send a limited number of events to. It is the only assignment method implemented, but this can be extended to other methods.
3. `Dispenser.Buffer` is the main buffer that ties everything together and keeps track of demand and events.
4. `Dispenser.SubscriptionManager` can monitor `subscribers` and is a helper for building `GenServer`s that buffer events.
5. `Dispenser.MonitoredBuffer` combines the `Dispenser.Buffer` and `Dispenser.SubscriptionManager` into one module.
## `GenServer` examples
Users of this library will likely implement their own `GenServer`, but these examples are a good place to start.
Most normal uses and error cases of the `BufferServer` and `BatchingBufferServer` are covered in the tests.
### `BufferServer`
The simplest example `GenServer` is `Dispenser.Server.BufferServer`, which will accept events and send them to subscribers.
1. Normal State:
`BufferServer` will accept events and immediately send them to subscribers as evenly as it can (see `Dispenser.AssignmentStrategy.Even` and the associated tests for the assignment logic by itself in `Dispenser.AssignmentStrategy.EvenTest`).
2. Overloaded State:
The internal buffer is filling up and the `BufferServer` will immediately send events to any subscriber who `ask`s.
Because of these two modes, the `BufferServer`'s state will either have some pending demand, or some buffered events, but never both at the same time.
When a subscribed process unsubscribes or crashes, it is removed from the `BufferServer`'s subscribers and any remaining demand for its subscriptions is canceled.
Here is a simple example:
{:ok, buffer} = start_server(%{capacity: 10})
:ok = BufferServer.ask(buffer, 1)
assert BufferServer.stats(buffer) == %{buffered: 0, subscribed: 1, demand: 1}
events = Fakes.create_fake_events(10)
{:ok, 0} = BufferServer.append(buffer, events)
[first_event | _] = events
assert_receive {:handle_assigned_events, ^buffer, events}
assert events == [first_event]
assert BufferServer.stats(buffer) == %{buffered: 9, subscribed: 1, demand: 0}
Please see the docs for `BufferServer.ask/3` for more details on the format of the `:handle_assigned_events` message.
Please see the documentation and associated test (`Dispenser.Server.BufferServerTest`) for more details.
### `BatchingBufferServer`
`Dispenser.Server.BatchingBufferServer` is a slightly optimized improvement on `BufferServer`
that will only send events once a minimum batch size of events has been reached.
The `BatchingBufferServer` has the two states from `BufferServer`,
but it has a third state where it is waiting for the buffer to reach a specified size before sending out events.
This helps reduce the number of messages sent to subscribers that have demand > 1.
Please see the documentation for `BatchingBufferServer` and associated test (`Dispenser.Server.BatchingBufferServerTest`) for details.
## Running the Tests
Tests can be run by running `mix test` in the root of the library.
## Generating Documentation
This library contains a lot of internal documentation.
Documentation is available on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm/dispenser),
or you can generate the documentation from source:
$ mix deps.get
$ mix docs