# Distancex

Elixir-wrapper for Google Directions API. Can return the drive time and driving distance between two places.

[![Build Status](](

A sample [http request and the corresponding json response](

## Installation

**Dependencies**: Make sure you have Erlang 18+ version installed and Elixir 1.x version.
This hex package will not work with Erlang 17.x version.

Add distancex to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
[{:distancex, "~> 0.1.0"} ]
Install the package

mix deps.get

### Config


config :distancex, api_key: "YourAPIKEY"

## Usage

The origin and destinations can be either a place name or a combo of latitude and longitude.

$ iex -S mix
iex> Distancex.result("Vancouver", "San Francisco")

#=> %Distancex.Result{
    distance: %{text: "1,036 km", value: 1036074},
        duration: %{text: "9 hours 54 mins", value: 35612}

iex> Distancex.result("49.2827N,123.1207W", "7.7833N,122.4167W").distance
#=> %{text: "1,036 km", value: 1036074}

iex> Distancex.result("49.2827N,123.1207W", "7.7833N,122.4167W").duration
#=>  %{text: "9 hours 54 mins", value: 35612}

You can pass optional paramater as an Elixir map.
Please see the list of available optional parameters in this [url]

iex> Distancex.result("Vancouver", "San Francisco", %{units: "imperial"})

#=> %Distancex.Result{
    distance: %{text: "644 mi", value: 1036074},
    duration: %{text: "9 hours 54 mins", value: 35612}

iex> Distancex.result("49.2827N,123.1207W", "7.7833N,122.4167W").distance
#=> %{text: "644 mi", value: 1036074}

Note: the value for distance is in metres and for duration, it is in seconds

### Invalid key

$ iex -S mix
iex> Distancex.distance("Vancouver", "San Francisco")
#=> {:error, "The provided API key is expired."}

- Create a project in [google developer console](
- Enable distance matrix api for that project.
- Get API key

*"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."
― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations*