# Getting Started
Easily run Elixir integration tests with docker-compose.
Provide Divo with docker-compose configuration, add `use Divo` to your integration tests, and run with `mix test.integration`.
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `divo` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps() do
{:divo, "~> 2.0.0", only: [:dev, :integration]}
The docs can be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/divo](https://hexdocs.pm/divo).
New versions are published with actions upon github release.
## Configuration
### Docker
Define services in your mix configuration file to define the dockerized service(s) you want to run as a dependency of your Elixir app.
Define divo config in one of the following three ways:
#### Method 1 - Compose file
In your config, include the path to the yaml or json-formatted compose file
config :myapp,
divo: "test/support/docker-compose.yaml,
divo_wait: [dwell: 700, max_tries: 50]
version: '3'
image: redis
- "6379:6379"
test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "PING"]
interval: 5s
timeout: 10s
retries: 3
#### Method 2 - Pre-existing module
In your mix file, include the additional dependency
def deps() do
{:divo, "~> 2.0.0", only: [:dev, :integration]},
{:divo_redis, "~> 1.0.0", only: [:dev, :integration]}
And in your config, include the imported dependency module(s) as a list of tuples along with any environment variables the stack takes as a keyword list
config :myapp,
divo: [
{DivoRedis, [initial_key: "myapp:secret"]}
divo_wait: [dwell: 700, max_tries: 50]
##### Known Modules:
- [Kafka](https://github.com/smartcitiesdata/divo_kafka)
- [Redis](https://github.com/smartcitiesdata/divo_redis)
- [Machinebox](https://github.com/joshrotenberg/divo_machinebox)
#### Method 3 - Elixir map
config :myapp,
divo: %{
version: "3",
services: %{
redis: %{
image: "redis:latest",
ports: [
healthcheck: %{
test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "PING"],
interval: "5s",
timeout: "10s",
retries: 3
divo_wait: [dwell: 700, max_tries: 50]
### Split Unit and Integration Tests
You will need to move any existing unit tests into a sub directory. We recommend the following structure:
└── test
├── integration
│ ├── myapp_test.exs
│ └── test_helper.exs
└── unit
├── module_a_test.exs
├── module_b_test.exs
└── test_helper.exs
NOTE: `test_helper.exs` must be included in the root of both integration and unit tests.
### Test Paths
Add this to your mix.exs to ensure that your unit and integration tests run in isolation from each other.
def project do
# ...
test_paths: test_paths(Mix.env())
# ...
defp test_paths(:integration), do: ["test/integration"]
defp test_paths(_), do: ["test/unit"]
### Use Divo in an Integration Test
In each integration module add:
`use Divo`
Divo will then take care of running `docker-compose up` before running your tests
and then run `docker-compose down` after they've completed.
NOTE: Divo will start and stop docker-compose for every integration test module, unless the "DIVO_DOWN" environment variable is set to "DISABLED".
Example Integration Test Module using [redix](https://hex.pm/packages/redix):
defmodule MyAppTest do
use ExUnit.Case
use Divo
test "persisting and reading from redis" do
{:ok, conn} = Redix.start_link(host: "localhost", port: 6379)
Redix.command(conn, ["SET", "mykey", "foo"])
{:ok, result} = Redix.command(conn, ["GET", "mykey"])
assert result === "foo"
## Use Divo for the entire test suite
In your integration or test suite's `test_helper.exs` file add `Divo.Suite.start()` before `ExUnit.start()`
This will make Divo stand up dockers that last the entire run of the test suite (or just a few modules or tests if you specified them in your `mix test.integration` command). It will wire itself up to tear down the dockers if in cases where the tests fail to compile.
Ideally, you will want to NOT have `use Divo` in your tests. However, if you leave `use Divo` in for all of the tests, and still add the start to your `test_helper.exs` the tests will still run as expected, with an additional docker start and stop wrapped around the whole run.
The `Divo.Suite.start` function takes all of the options that `use Divo` does plus a few extras for controlling where the final docker cleanup occurs:
- `auto_cleanup?` - whether or not to cleanup dockers on program exit. Defaults to `true`
Whether or not you choose to let it cleanup after itself, `Divo.Suite.start` will return a zero-arity cleanup hook that you can call when you want to explicitly cleanup the dockers.
|> on_exit()
## Running Integration Tests
Integration tests are executed by running:
`mix test.integration`
## License
Released under [Apache 2 license](https://github.com/smartcitiesdata/divo/blob/master/LICENSE).