defmodule Divo.Stack do
@moduledoc """
Implements a behaviour for importing
predefined compose stacks from external
library complementary to divo for quickly
standing up well-defined services with
little variation in configuration.
@doc """
Defines the behaviour that must be implemented to
supply configs from external modules to divo. The
configuration values are expected as a keyword list
of attributes specific to each module adopting the
@callback gen_stack(keyword()) :: {atom(), map()}
@doc """
Iterates over modules supplied in the app :divo
config, calling the `gen_stack` function on each
module's implementation of the behavior, collecting
the resulting maps into a single map and passing
the accumulated result out for writing out the file.
@spec concat_compose([tuple()]) :: map()
def concat_compose(config) do
compose_file = %{version: "3.4"}
services =
|> Enum.reduce(%{}, fn service, acc -> Map.merge(service, acc) end)
Map.put(compose_file, :services, services)
defp configure_stack(module) when is_atom(module), do: apply(module, :gen_stack, [[]])
defp configure_stack({module, envars}), do: apply(module, :gen_stack, [envars])