# Docception
Run doctests on arbitrary markdown files.
## Usage
$ mix docception markdown-files
See the `example/` project on how to use an alias in `mix.exs` to run Docception with `mix test`.
## Installation
def deps do
{:docception, "~> 0.3.3", runtime: false}
## Disclaimer
This tool executes any Elixir doctest it encounters (think `eval`). Ensure that it does not
encounter any harmful code!
## Example
This file can also be checked with docception. The following example is run through doctest and
results in an error:
iex> :hello
$ mix docception README.md
** (ExUnit.AssertionError)
Doctest failed
code: :hello === :crash
left: :hello
right: :crash
The following example works:
iex> :hello
## TODOs
* [x] Clean up temporary directory where `.beam` files are stored
* [x] Do not hard-code the temporary directory
* [x] Fix "wrong indent" warnings for heredocs
* [x] Try to fix wrong line number reports (the offset is always the same!)
* [x] Check if this also works when a doctest refers to dependencies of the project
* [x] Document how to use it with an alias in order to simplify running it in CI
* [x] Publish
* [ ] Determine how to ensure that errors are written before the task ends; drop `Process.sleep`
in mix task.
The root cause of this is `ExUnit.CLIFormatter`. The formatter writes the error message.
Docception can possibly exit before the formatter is done writing. This could be solvable
by using a wrapper around `ExUnit.CLIFormatter` as a custom formatter instead. This custom
formatter would then be shut down manually. Alas, I did not find a way to inject such a
custom formatter.
* [ ] Check if anybody is actually interested in this
## How..?
Docception's approach is pretty simple:
1. Read in a markdown file
1. Create an [Erlang Form](http://erlang.org/doc/apps/erts/absform.html) that makes the file
look like something that can be executed.
1. Add a module attribute
1. Export an `__info__/1` function which wraps `module_info/1`
1. Compile that thing into a binary
1. Store the resulting `.beam` in the filesystem to make `Code.fetch_docs/1` work
1. Call into the undocumented-and-totally-not-for-public-use `ExUnit.DocTest.__doctests__/1`
1. For each of the quoted doctests, spawn a process and call let it run the quoted doctest
1. Gather the results and raise on error
So, except for calling into `__doctests__/1`, this is pretty straight forward. Note that the
implementation relies heavily on the hard work that went into `elixir_erl.erl` from Elixir itself.
Docception needs to create a binary where the `'Docs'` chunk matches such chunks as generated by