# DockerDistiller
This package uses Distillery and Docker to create containerized
builds of Elixir apps that are small and nimble.
In the past, this tool built all environments - however, we stepped away
from this. We currently only build one environment, `deploy`, hard-coded,
which is expected to be run with `REPLACE_OS_VARS` and thus use 12FA style
environment variable injection to make a different between staging, production,
and whatever else.
## Installation/Use
If [available in Hex](https://hex.pm/docs/publish), the package can be installed as:
1. Add `docker_distiller` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
[{:docker_distiller, "~> 1.0"}]
1. Run `mix release.init` to get a Distillery config setup. See the [Distillery
Docs](https://hexdocs.pm/distillery/getting-started.html) for details.
Some changes in `rel/config.exs` you need to make:
1. Set `default_environment` to `deploy` and include an `environment` stanza for that
1. Add a target `docker_repo` setting to your application in `mix.exs` - we will
deploy to that repository.
def project do
[app: :my_app,
docker_repo: "quay.io/my_quay_repo",
1. (Optionally) override the build image. By default, we will use the `bitwalker/alpine-elixir`
images for the correct elixir version, but you can override this in the project
settings (in case you use a newer Elixir than published, or you can't use public
Docker images for security reasons, etcetera):
def project do
build_image: "super.repo.io/myrepo/elixir-dev:1.2.3"
1. (Optionally) use a local dockerfile as the build image.
def project do
build_dockerfile: "path/to/your/Dockerfile"
1. (Optionally) use something else than `/opt/app` for the location where we unpack the app:
def project do
path_in_container: "/"
(needs to end with a slash, by the way)
1. Add a template Dockerfile called `Dockerfile.deploy.eex`. This template will get
stuff injected from the build and then written as `Dockerfile`, overwriting
existing things. The following is sent to the template:
* `add_dist_tar`: Put an expansion for this in the Dockerfile at the location where
you want the `ADD (tarball) (appname)` lines to land
* `cmd_to_run`: The command to run for the built release
An example minimal template:
FROM bitwalker/alpine-elixir:1.5.2
<%= add_dist_tar %>
CMD <%= cmd_to_run %> foreground
Note that even though the distribution tar contains Erlang, there are packages that
Erlang needs (like the libncurses) so building from a basic Alpine image will most
likely not work.
1. Run `mix publish` to build a release and publish it.