# Dockerator for Elixir
Tool for turning Elixir apps into Docker images without a pain.
## Rationale
One may say that creating a Dockerfile for an Elixir app is so easy that
creating a separate tool for such purpose is an overkill.
However, that might be not that easy if:
* You need to maintain a lot of apps and you want to ensure thay use the same
build system without manually replicating tons of Dockerfiles.
* You use dependencies stored on private git repositories.
In such cases Dockerator will save you a lot of time.
## Features
* **Clean build environment** - It always builds the release of Elixir project
in the clean environment in order to ensure repeatable builds.
* **No source code in the image** - The target image will not contain the
source code, just the compiled release.
* **SSH agent forwarding** - It can handle SSH agent forwarding so you can use
dependencies stored at private SSH repositories without exposing your
* **Does not run as root** - By default it does not run application inside
the container as root for additional layer of security.
Internally it uses [Distillery](https://github.com/bitwalker/distillery) for
building the actual release.
# Prerequisities
You need to use Elixir >= 1.4.
You need to have on your computer a [Docker](https://docker.io) installation.
The `docker` command should be callable without `sudo`.
# Usage
Add it to the dependencies, by adding the following the `deps` in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:dockerator, "~> 1.3", runtime: false},
Moreover add the key `:dockerator_target_image` to the `app` with name of the
target Docker image.
Then fetch the dependencies:
mix deps.get
Create release configuration (if it is not present yet):
mix release.init
It will create `rel/` directory, add it to git:
git add rel/
Then you can just call the following command each time you need to assemble
a Docker image tagged as `latest`:
mix dockerate
If you want to make the actual release, please increase version in the
`mix.exs` (potentially you want to also tag the code in git) and then run
mix dockerate release
The Docker image will use version from `mix.exs` as a tag.
You probably want to also change the Mix environment, just prefix the
commands with MIX_ENV=env, e.g.:
MIX_ENV=prod mix dockerate release
# Configuration
You can use the following settings in the `project` of the `mix.exs` in order
to configure Dockerator:
* `:dockerator_target_image` - (mandatory) - a string containing target
Docker image name, e.g. `"myaccount/my_app"`.
* `:dockerator_base_image` - (optional) - a string or keyword list containing
name of a base Docker image name used for build and release. If it is
a string, it will use provided name for both build and release. If it is
a keyword list, you can specify two keys `:build` or/and `:release` to
specify different images for these two phases. Defaults to
`elixir:latest`. It is strongly encouraged to change this to the particular
[Elixir version](https://hub.docker.com/r/library/elixir/tags/) to have
repeatable builds.
* `:dockerator_run_as_root` - (optional) - a booleaen indicating whether the
application inside the container should be run as root. Defaults to `false`.
* `:dockerator_ssh_agent` - (optional) - a boolean indicating whether
we should use SSH agent for the build. Defaults to `false`. Turn it on
if you're using dependencies that are hosted on private git/SSH repositories.
* `:dockerator_source_dirs` - (optional) - a list of strings containing a list
of source directories that will be copied to the build image. Defaults to
`["config", "lib", "rel", "priv", "web"]`.
* `:dockerator_build_extra_docker_commands` - optional - a list of strings that
will contain extra commands that will be added to the release image. For
example you can add something like `["apt-get install something"]`.
* `:dockerator_release_extra_docker_commands` - optional - a list of strings that
will contain extra commands that will be added to the release image. For
example you can add something like `["EXPOSE 4000"]`.
## Example
For example your `mix.exs` might look like this after the changes:
defmodule MyApp.Mixfile do
use Mix.Project
def project do
[app: :my_app,
version: "0.1.0",
elixir: "~> 1.4",
build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod,
start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod,
deps: deps(),
dockerator_ssh_agent: true,
dockerator_build_extra_docker_commands: [
"RUN apt-get update && apt-get install somepackage",
dockerator_release_extra_docker_commands: [
"EXPOSE 4000",
"RUN apt-get update && apt-get install somepackage",
dockerator_source_dirs: ["config", "lib", "rel", "priv", "web", "extra"],
dockerator_base_image: [build: "elixir:1.4.5", release: "ubuntu:xenial"],
dockerator_target_image: "myaccount/my_app",
def application do
[extra_applications: [:logger], mod: {MyApp, []}]
defp deps do
{:dockerator, "~> 1.3", runtime: false},
# Limitations
* Currently it assumes that release name defined in `rel/config.exs` is
the same as app name defined in the mix.exs.
* It has to rely on base image based on any `apt`-compatible system, such as
Ubuntu or Debian, however this is unimportant if you don't use git-based
dependencies. This is because if it won't find `git` command in the base
image it will invoke `apt-get install git`.
* At the moment it will not handle SSH agent on other platforms than Mac OS X.
However it should be quite trivial to add others.
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# Authors
Marcin Lewandowski, marcin@saepia.net
# License