# dockerexec - An erlexec fork designed for execution within Docker


This is a fork of [erlexec]( designed to be used within Docker.
It has two primary philosophical differences from erlexec:

1. It allows execution as root without needing `sudo` (since many Docker configurations
   run the app as root, and may not even ship with the `/usr/bin/sudo` executable)
2. It removes the requirement for the `SHELL` environment variable to be set

While neither of these requirements are particularly burdensome for applications incorporating
erlexec directly into their package, they represent a bit of a non-starter for libraries
that want to depend on erlexec. Nobody wants to have to dig into their Docker configuration
to install a third-party library... they want to just add the dependency to their `mix.exs`
or `rebar.config` and be done with it.

## USAGE ##

### Erlang: import as a dependency ###

- Add dependency in `rebar.config`:
 [% ...
  {dockerexec, "~> 2.0"}

- Include in your `*.app.src`:
    % ...

### Elixir: import as a dependency ###

defp deps do
    # ...
    {:dockerexec, "~> 2.0"}