# doctest

A library to test Erlang `-moduledoc` and `-doc` attributes.

## Requirements

OTP >= 27.

## Installation

% rebar.config
{profiles, [
    {test, [
        {deps, [{doctest, "0.7.0"}]}

## Usage

Tests run via the `doctest:module/1,2` function or on modules that include the [doctest header](/include/doctest.hrl), but only exported functions are tested.

### Testing via doctest:module/1,2 function

Take this module:
-moduledoc """
Module doc tags can also be tested.

1> foo:foo() =:= bar.


-doc """
1> foo:foo().
foo() ->

Running it via shell:
1> doctest:module(foo).

  1) doctest:-parse/4-fun-0-/0:13
     Failure/Error: ?assertEqual(foo, foo:foo())
       expected: foo
            got: bar
     %% eunit_proc.erl:583:in `eunit_proc:run_group/2`

Finished in 0.013 seconds
2 tests, 1 failures

#### Options

Options can be provided when using the `doctest:module/2` function. The available options are:
- `moduledoc` :: `boolean()`: enable or disable `-moduledoc` test
- `funs` :: `boolean()` | `[{atom(), arity()}]`: enable or disable `-doc` tests or define the functions to be tested
- `eunit` :: `resolve | term()`: set [EUnit options](#eunit-options)

### Testing via doctest header

Take this module:


% -doctest <see the options section>.

-doc """
Adds two numbers together.

1> math:add(0, 1).
2> math:add(
.. 1,
.. 1
.. ).
add(A, B) ->

> Note that the code is defined like the Erlang shell, starting with `N> `, where `N` is a number, and continues in multiple lines with `.. `. The result is a value without starting with those shell symbols.

Now, by running `rebar3 eunit`:
Finished in 0.018 seconds
2 tests, 0 failures

By changing the first test to:
1> math:add(1, 1).

And running `rebar3 eunit` again:

  1) doctest_parse_transform:-parse/4-fun-0-/0:26
     Failure/Error: ?assertEqual(1, math:add(1, 1))
       expected: 1
            got: 2
     %% eunit_proc.erl:583:in `eunit_proc:run_group/2`

Finished in 0.010 seconds
2 tests, 1 failures

#### Options

Options are defined via the `-doctest` attribute and can be defined multiple times. The available options are:
- `boolean()` | `{enabled, boolean()}`: enable or disable the test running, e.g.:
  -doctest true.
- `{moduledoc, boolean()}`: enable or disable `-moduledoc` test, e.g.:
  -doctest {moduledoc, true}.
- `[{atom(), arity()}]` | `{funs, [{atom(), arity()}] | boolean()}`: enable or disable `-doc` tests or define the functions to be tested, e.g.:
  -doctest [add/2].
- `eunit` :: `resolve | term()`: set [EUnit options](#eunit-options), e.g.:
  -doctest {eunit, resolve}.
- `map()`: define all or partial options, e.g.:
  -doctest #{
      enabled => true,
      moduledoc => true,
      funs => [add/2],
      eunit => resolve

### Global options

Options can be globally defined via a [config file](, e.g.:
% config/sys.config
[{doctest, [
    {enabled, true},
    {moduledoc, false},
    {funs, true},
    {eunit, [no_tty, {report, {eunit_progress, [colored, profile]}}]}

### EUnit options

Valid EUnit options are the `resolve` atom and a proplist.

By defining `resolve` as the EUnit options, `doctest` will try to resolve the options via `rebar`. Custom options can be defined as documented at [](

> The default EUnit options can be configured, as documented [here](
> Interesting undocumented options are:
> - `no_tty` completely disables the default EUnit reporter output
> - `{report, {Module, Args}}` runs a custom EUnit reporter (the functionality that prints results to the shell). The reporter module needs the following callbacks implemented:
>   ```erlang
>   -export([start/0]).
>   -export([start/1]).
>   -export([init/1]).
>   -export([handle_begin/3]).
>   -export([handle_end/3]).
>   -export([handle_cancel/3]).
>   -export([terminate/2]).
>   ```
> `no_tty` and `report` can be combined to replace the EUnit reporter with a custom one:
> ```erlang
> {eunit_opts, [no_tty, {report, {my_reporter, Opts}}]}.
> ```


- [ ] More tests
- [ ] Specs
- [ ] Improve docs

## Sponsors

If you like this tool, please consider [sponsoring me](
I'm thankful for your never-ending support :heart:

I also accept coffees :coffee:

[!["Buy Me A Coffee"](](

## Contributing

### Issues

Feel free to [submit an issue on Github](

## License

Copyright (c) 2024 [William Fank Thomé](

`doctest` is 100% open source and community-driven. All components are available under the Apache 2 License on [GitHub](

See []( for more information.