# Domainatrex

### Domainatrex is a TLD parsing library for Elixir, using the Public Suffix list.

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### [Read the docs](

## Installation

Add the following to your `mix.exs`


defp deps do
  [{:domainatrex, "~> 2.0"}]


## Usage

`Domainatrex` should be able to handle all valid hostnames, it uses the [Public Suffix List]( and is heavily inspired by the fantastic [Domainatrix]( library for Ruby

iex> Domainatrex.parse("")
{:ok, %{domain: "someone", subdomain: "", tld: "com"}}

iex> Domainatrex.parse("")
{:ok, %{domain: "someone", subdomain: "blog", tld: ""}}

## Changelog

### 1.0.1
- Fully update the tests to reflect changes in `2.0.0` (thanks for the PR @pbonney!)

### 2.0.0
- Change the API from returning explicit results to {:ok, result} or {:error, result}. This is to be more uniform with other libraries I use and for better `with` usage. Sorry if this fucks up your day.