# Domainatrex
> Domainatrex is a TLD parsing library for Elixir, using the Public Suffix list
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### [Read the docs](https://hexdocs.pm/domainatrex)
## Installation
Add the following to your `mix.exs`
defp deps do
{:domainatrex, "~> 3.0.4"},
## Usage
`Domainatrex` should be able to handle all valid hostnames, it uses the
[Public Suffix List](https://publicsuffix.org/list/) and is heavily inspired by the fantastic
[Domainatrix](https://github.com/pauldix/domainatrix) library for Ruby
iex> Domainatrex.parse("someone.com")
{:ok, %{domain: "someone", subdomain: "", tld: "com"}}
iex> Domainatrex.parse("blog.someone.id.au")
{:ok, %{domain: "someone", subdomain: "blog", tld: "id.au"}}
## Configuration
For maximum performance, `Domainatrex` reads the list of all known top-level domains at compile
time. Likewise, by default, the package will attempt to fetch the latest list of TLDs from the
web before falling back to a local (potentially out of date) copy. You can configure this behavior
in your `config.exs` as follows:
- `:fetch_latest`: A Boolean flag to determine whether `Domainatrex` should try to fetch the
latest list of public suffixes at compile time; default is `true`
- `:public_suffix_list_url`: A charlist URL to the latest public suffix file that `Domainatrex`
will try to fetch at compile time; default is
- `:fallback_local_copy`: The path to the local suffix file that `Domainatrex` will use if it
wasn't able to fetch a fresh file from the URL, or if fetching updated files was disabled;
default is the `"lib/public_suffix_list.dat"` file included in the package.
Here's a complete example of how you might customize this behavior in your `config.exs`:
config :domainatrex,
# Explicitly allow compile-time HTTP request to fetch the latest list of TLDs (default)
fetch_latest: true,
# Download the public suffix list from the official source (not necessarily tested with Domainatrex!)
public_suffix_list_url: 'https://publicsuffix.org/list/public_suffix_list.dat',
fallback_local_copy: "priv/my_app_custom_suffix_list.dat"