
defmodule Dotenvy.Transformer do
  @moduledoc """
  This module provides functionality for converting string values to specific Elixir data types.

  These conversions were designed to operate on system environment variables, which
  _always_ store string binaries.
  alias Dotenvy.Error

  @typedoc """
  The conversion type specifies the target data type to which a string will be converted.
  For example, `:integer` would indicate a transformation of `"12"` to `12`.

  The following types are supported:

  - `:atom` - converts to an atom. An empty string will be the atom `:""` (!).
  - `:atom?` - converts to an atom. An empty string will be considered `nil`
  - `:atom!` - converts to an atom. An empty string will raise.

  - `:boolean` - "false", "0", or an empty string "" will be considered boolean `false`. Any other non-empty value is considered `true`.
  - `:boolean?` - as above, except an empty string will be considered `nil`
  - `:boolean!` - as above, except an empty string will raise.

  - `:charlist` - converts string to charlist.
  - `:charlist?` - converts string to charlist. Empty string will be considered `nil`.
  - `:charlist!` - as above, but an empty string will raise.

  - `:integer` - converts a string to an integer. An empty string will be considered `0`.
  - `:integer?` - as above, but an empty string will be considered `nil`.
  - `:integer!` - as above, but an empty string will raise.

  - `:float` - converts a string to an float. An empty string will be considered `0`.
  - `:float?` - as above, but an empty string will be considered `nil`.
  - `:float!` - as above, but an empty string will raise.

  - `:existing_atom` - converts into an existing atom. Raises error if the atom does not exist.
  - `:existing_atom?` - as above, but an empty string will be considered `nil`.
  - `:existing_atom!` - as above, but an empty string will raise.

  - `:module` - converts a string into an Elixir module name. Raises on error.
  - `:module?` - as above, but an empty string will be considered `nil`.
  - `:module!` - as above, but an empty string will raise.

  - `:string` - no conversion (default)
  - `:string?` - empty strings will be considered `nil`.
  - `:string!` - as above, but an empty string will raise.
  - custom function - see below.

  ## Custom Callback function

  When you require more control over the transformation of your value than is possible
  with the types provided, you can provide an arity 1 function in place of the type.

  @type conversion_type ::
          | :atom?
          | :atom!
          | :boolean
          | :boolean?
          | :boolean!
          | :charlist
          | :charlist?
          | :charlist!
          | :integer
          | :integer?
          | :integer!
          | :float
          | :float?
          | :float!
          | :existing_atom
          | :existing_atom?
          | :existing_atom!
          | :module
          | :module?
          | :module!
          | :string
          | :string?
          | :string!
          | (String.t() -> any())

  @doc """
  Converts strings into Elixir data types with support for nil-able values. Raises on error.

  Each type determines how to interpret the incoming string, e.g. when the `type`
  is `:integer`, an empty string is considered a `0`; when `:integer?` is the `type`,
  and empty string is converted to `nil`.


  - Use a `?` suffix when an empty string should be considered `nil` (a.k.a. a "nullable" value).
  - Use a `!` suffix when an empty string is not allowed. Use this when values are required.

  ## Types

  See the `t:Dotenvy.Transformer.conversion_type/0` for a description of valid
  conversion types.

  ## Examples

      iex> to!("debug", :atom)
      iex> to!("", :boolean)
      iex> to!("", :boolean?)
      iex> to!("5432", :integer)
      iex> to!("foo", fn val -> val <> "bar" end)
  @spec to!(str :: binary(), type :: conversion_type()) :: any()
  def to!(str, :atom) when is_binary(str) do
    |> String.trim_leading(":")
    |> String.to_atom()

  def to!("", :atom?), do: nil
  def to!(str, :atom?), do: to!(str, :atom)
  def to!("", :atom!), do: raise(Error)
  def to!(str, :atom!), do: to!(str, :atom)

  def to!(str, :boolean) when is_binary(str) do
    |> String.downcase()
    |> case do
      "false" -> false
      "0" -> false
      "" -> false
      _ -> true

  def to!("", :boolean?), do: nil
  def to!(str, :boolean?), do: to!(str, :boolean)
  def to!("", :boolean!), do: raise(Error)
  def to!(str, :boolean!), do: to!(str, :boolean)

  def to!(str, :charlist) when is_binary(str), do: to_charlist(str)

  def to!("", :charlist?), do: nil
  def to!(str, :charlist?), do: to!(str, :charlist)
  def to!("", :charlist!), do: raise(Error)
  def to!(str, :charlist!), do: to!(str, :charlist)

  def to!(str, :existing_atom) when is_binary(str) do
    |> String.trim_leading(":")
    |> String.to_existing_atom()
    _ -> reraise(Error, "#{inspect(str)}: not an existing atom", __STACKTRACE__)

  def to!("", :existing_atom?), do: nil
  def to!(str, :existing_atom?), do: to!(str, :existing_atom)
  def to!("", :existing_atom!), do: raise(Error)
  def to!(str, :existing_atom!), do: to!(str, :existing_atom)

  def to!("", :float), do: 0

  def to!(str, :float) when is_binary(str) do
    case Float.parse(str) do
      :error ->
        raise(Error, "Unparsable")

      {value, _} ->

  def to!("", :float?), do: nil
  def to!(str, :float?), do: to!(str, :float)
  def to!("", :float!), do: raise(Error)
  def to!(str, :float!), do: to!(str, :float)

  def to!("", :integer), do: 0

  def to!(str, :integer) when is_binary(str) do
    case Integer.parse(str) do
      :error ->
        raise(Error, "Unparsable")

      {value, _} ->

  def to!("", :integer?), do: nil
  def to!(str, :integer?), do: to!(str, :integer)
  def to!("", :integer!), do: raise(Error)
  def to!(str, :integer!), do: to!(str, :integer)

  def to!(str, :module) when is_binary(str) do
    |> String.to_existing_atom()

  def to!("", :module?), do: nil
  def to!(str, :module?), do: to!(str, :module)
  def to!("", :module!), do: raise(Error)
  def to!(str, :module!), do: to!(str, :module)

  def to!(str, :string) when is_binary(str), do: str
  def to!("", :string?), do: nil
  def to!(str, :string?) when is_binary(str), do: str
  def to!("", :string!), do: raise(Error)
  def to!(str, :string!) when is_binary(str), do: str

  def to!(str, callback) when is_function(callback, 1) do

  def to!(str, _) when not is_binary(str), do: raise(Error, "Input must be a string.")
  def to!(_, type), do: raise(Error, "Unknown type #{inspect(type)}")