# Doubly Linked List

**A fast, ammortised O(log n) doubly linked list implementation.**

A doubly linked list is a type of linked list in which each node contains three
elements: a data value, a pointer to the next node in the list, and a pointer to
the previous node. This two-way linkage allows traversal of the list in both
directions, forward and backward, which is a significant advantage over a singly
linked list that can only be traversed in one direction.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `doubly_linked_list` to your list of
dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:doubly_linked_list, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Usage ([full documentation](

A new doubly linked list can be constructed using `new/0`:

iex> dll =

Many types of insertion and deletion are supported, the most basic being
`insert_head/2`, `insert_tail/2`, `remove_head/1` and `remove_tail/2` which will
insert and remove at the head and tail of the doubly linked list respectively:

iex> dll =

iex> {dll, node} = DoublyLinkedList.insert_tail(dll, "tail value")
{#DoublyLinkedList<["tail value"]>, #DoublyLinkedNode<"tail value">}

iex> {dll, node} = DoublyLinkedList.insert_head(dll, "head value")
{#DoublyLinkedList<["head value", "tail value"]>, #DoublyLinkedNode<"head value">}

iex> dll = DoublyLinkedList.remove_tail(dll)
#DoublyLinkedList<["head value"]>

iex> dll = DoublyLinkedList.remove_head(dll)

Node data can be updated with `update/3`:

iex> dll =

iex> {dll, node} = DoublyLinkedList.insert_tail(dll, "tail value")
{#DoublyLinkedList<["tail value"]>, #DoublyLinkedNode<"tail value">}

iex> dll = DoublyLinkedList.update(dll, node, "new tail value")
#DoublyLinkedList<["new tail value"]>

There are two options for traversal. `DoublyLinkedList` implements the
Enumerable protocol so ``, `Enum.member?/2`,
[etc]( are supported; there
are also the built-in `find_from_head/2` and `find_from_tail/2` functions.
`find_from_tail/2` is of particular interest as it traverses the list in
reverse. Note that traversal methods are O(n).

iex> dll =
iex> {dll, node} = DoublyLinkedList.insert_tail(dll, 1)
iex> {dll, node} = DoublyLinkedList.insert_tail(dll, 2)
{#DoublyLinkedList<[1, 2]>, #DoublyLinkedNode<2>}

iex>, fn v -> v * 2 end)
[2, 4]

## License

`DoublyLinkedList` is released under the [`Apache License

## About

This package was written by [Elliot Jackson](

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- Email: