# Doumi.Test
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`Doumi.Test` is a helper library that make it easier to test your Elixir codes.
**도우미(Doumi)** means "helper" in Korean.
## Usage
### `assert_same_values/2`
defmodule MyApp.Test do
use ExUnit.Case
use Doumi.Test
test "returns true with the same values" do
number1 = 1
number2 = 1.0
datetime1 = ~U[2023-11-11 00:00:00Z]
datetime2 = ~U[2023-11-11 00:00:00.000Z]
decimal1 = Decimal.new("1.1")
decimal2 = 1.1
# instead of
assert number1 == number2
assert DateTime.compare(datetime1, datetime2) == :eq
assert Decimal.equal?(decimal1, decimal2)
# do
assert_same_values number1, number2
assert_same_values datetime1, datetime2
assert_same_values decimal1, decimal2
### `assert_same_fields/3`
defmodule MyApp.Test do
use ExUnit.Case
use Doumi.Test
test "returns true with the same fields" do
attrs = %{
name: "name",
age: 30,
married: false
assert {:ok, something} = create_something(attrs)
# instead of
assert something.name == attrs.name
assert something.age == attrs.age
assert something.married == attrs.married
# do
assert_same_fields something, attrs, [:name, :age, :married]
### `assert_same_records/2`
defmodule MyApp.Test do
use MyApp.DataCase
use Doumi.Test
test "returns true with the same records" do
something = insert(:something)
assert {:ok, fetched_something} = fetch_something(something.primary_key0, something.primary_key1)
# instead of
assert fetched_something.primary_key0 == something.primary_key0
assert fetched_something.primary_key1 == something.primary_key1
# do
assert_same_records fetched_something, something
### `reload/2`, `reload!/2`
defmodule MyApp.Test do
use MyApp.DataCase
use Doumi.Test
test "reload record" do
counter = insert(:counter)
assert :ok = increase_counter_and_no_return(counter)
updated_counter = reload!(counter)
assert updated_counter.count == counter.count + 1
## Installation
The package can be installed by adding `doumi_test` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:doumi_test, "~> 0.2.0"}
To configure formatter, add `:doumi_test` to `import_deps` of `.formatter.exs`:
import_deps: [..., :doumi_test]
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## Doumi\*
All **Doumi** libraries:
- [Doumi.Port](https://github.com/nallwhy/doumi_port): A helper library that makes it easier to use Python, Ruby in Elixir
- [Doumi.Phoenix.SVG](https://github.com/nallwhy/doumi_phoenix_svg): A helper library that generates Phoenix function components from SVG files.
- [Doumi.Phoenix.Params](https://github.com/nallwhy/doumi_phoenix_params): A helper library that supports converting form to params and params to form
- [Doumi.URI.Query](https://github.com/nallwhy/doumi_uri_query): A helper library that encode complicated query of URI.
## Copyright and License
Copyright (c) 2023 Jinkyou Son (Json)
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the MIT License. See the [LICENSE.md](./LICENSE.md) file for more details.