# Drab, the Server-side jQuery

[![ version](](

Drab - Access the browser User Interface from the Server Side. No Javascript programming needed anymore!

## Teaser

* Client side:

<div class="progress">
  <div class="progress-bar" role="progressbar" style="width:0%">
<button drab-click="perform_long_process">Click to start processing</button>

* Server side:

def perform_long_process(socket, dom_sender) do
  steps = MyLongProcess.number_of_steps()
  for i <- 1..steps do
    # update the progress bar after each of MyLongProcess steps
      |> update(
          css: "width", 
          set: "#{i * 100 / steps}%", 
          on: ".progress-bar")
      |> update(
          set: "#{Float.round(i * 100 / steps, 2)}%", 
          on: ".progress-bar")
  socket |> insert(class: "progress-bar-success", into: ".progress-bar")

## Warning: this software is still experimental!

### See [Demo Page]( for live demo and description.

## Installation

  So far the process of the installation is rather manually, in the future will be automatized.

  1. Add `drab` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs` in your Phoenix application and install it:

def deps do
  [{:drab, "~> 0.3"}]

$ mix deps.get
$ mix compile

  2. Add `jquery` to `package.json`:

"dependencies": {
  "jquery": ">= 3.1.1"

  You may ommit this step if you are not planning to use DOM, jQuery, Drab.Query and Drab.Modal -
  [see Domless Drab](

  3. Add jQuery as a global at the end of `brunch-config.js`:

npm: {globals: {
  $: 'jquery',
  jQuery: 'jquery'

  You may ommit this step if you are not planning to use DOM, jQuery, Drab.Query and Drab.Modal -
  [see Domless Drab](

  4. And install it:

$ npm install && node_modules/brunch/bin/brunch build 

  5. Initialize Drab client library by adding to the layout page (`web/templates/layout/app.html.eex`)

<%= Drab.Client.js(@conn) %>
    just after the following line:

<script src="<%= static_path(@conn, "/js/app.js") %>"></script>
  6. Initialize Drab sockets by adding the following to `web/channels/user_socket.ex`:

use Drab.Socket

Congratullations! You have installed Drab and you can proceed with your own Commanders.

## Usage

All the Drab functions (callbacks, event handlers) are placed in the module called `Commander`. 
Think about it as a controller for the live pages. Commanders should be placed in `web/commanders` directory.

To enable Drab on the specific pages, you need to add the directive `use Drab.Controller` to your application 

Remember the difference: `controller` renders the page while `commander` works on the live page.

  1. Generate the page Commander. Commander name should correspond to controller, so PageController should have 

$ mix drab.gen.commander Page
* creating web/commanders/page_commander.ex

Add the following line to your Example.PageController:
    use Drab.Controller 

  2. As described in the previous task, add `Drab.Controller` to your page Controller 
  (eg. `web/controllers/page_controller.ex` in the default app):

defmodule DrabExample.PageController do
  use Example.Web, :controller
  use Drab.Controller 

  def index(conn, _params) do
    render conn, "index.html"

  3. Edit the commander file `web/commanders/page_commander.ex` and add some real action - the `onload` callback 
  which fires when the browser connects to Drab.

defmodule DrabExample.PageCommander do
  use Drab.Commander

  onload :page_loaded

  # Drab Callbacks
  def page_loaded(socket) do
      |> update(:html, set: "Welcome to Phoenix+Drab!", on: "div.jumbotron h2")
      |> update(:html, 
          set: "Please visit <a href=''>Drab</a> page for more examples and description",
          on:  "div.jumbotron p.lead")

Function `update/3` (shorthand for `Drab.Query.update/3`) with `:html` parameter sets the HTML of DOM object, 
analogically to `$().html()` on the client side.

Finally! Run the phoenix server and enjoy working on the Dark Side of the web.

### The code above is available for download [here](

## Drab Events

* Client-side: assign the events directly in HTML, using `drab-event=event_name` and `drab-handler='event_handler'` 
combination of attributes, when `event_name` is the JS event name and `event_handler` is the function name 
in the Commander. This function will be fired on event. There is also a shorthand for this: 
`drab-[event_name]=event_handler` (currently: click, change, keyup, keydown are defined). Example:

<button drab-click='button_clicked'>Clickme!</button>

* Server-side: when clicked, this button will launch the following action on the corresponding commander:

defmodule Example.PageCommander do
  use Drab.Commander

  # Drab Events
  def button_clicked(socket, dom_sender) do
      |> update(:text, set: "alread clicked", on: this(dom_sender))

As you probably guess, this changes button description (`Drab.Query.update/3` used with `:text`).

## What now?

Visit [Demo Page]( for a live demo and more description.

Visit [Docs with Examples]( - documentation with short examples.

## Contact

(c)2016 Tomek "Grych" Gryszkiewicz, 