# Drill
**Seed data handling for Elixir**
Drill is an elixir seeder library inspired by [Seed Fu](https://github.com/mbleigh/seed-fu) and [Phinx](https://github.com/cakephp/phinx).
## Documentation
[Official documentation on hexdocs](https://hexdocs.pm/drill/api-reference.html)
## Usage
1. Create your seeder modules. The directory where the seeder modules should be located
is described on [mix drill documentation](https://hexdocs.pm/drill/Mix.Tasks.Drill.html).
In `my_app/priv/repo/seeds/user.exs`:
defmodule MyApp.Seeds.User do
use Drill, key: :users, source: MyApp.Accounts.User
def factory do
first_name: Person.first_name(),
last_name: Person.last_name()
def run(_context) do
seed(email: "email1@example.com"),
seed(email: "email2@example.com"),
seed(email: "email3@example.com")
In `my_app/priv/repo/seeds/post.exs`:
defmodule MyApp.Seeds.Post do
use Drill, key: :posts, source: MyApp.Blogs.Post
alias Faker.Lorem
def deps do
def factory do
%{content: Lorem.paragraph()}
def run(%Drill.Context{seeds: %{users: [user1, user2, user3 | _]}}) do
seed(user_id: user1.id),
seed(user_id: user2.id),
seed(user_id: user3.id)
2. Run `mix drill -r MyApp.Repo` in the terminal with your project root as the current working directory
## Installation
Add `drill` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:
def deps do
{:drill, "~> 1.2"}
## Configurations
### Timeout
Default timeout is 600 seconds or 10 minutes. You may configure the task timeout in your config.exs file. For example:
`config :drill, :timeout, 10_000`
## `use Drill` options
- `source` (required) - source is the schema module
- `key` (required) - once the seeder module runs, the inserted result will be saved to `%Drill.Context{}.seeds[key]`.
Drill.Context struct is passed to one of Drill's callback which is `run/1` to be discussed in the `Callbacks`
section below.
- `returning` (optional) - selects which fields to return. Defaults to true. See [Ecto.Repo.insert_all/3](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.Repo.html#c:insert_all/3)
## Callbacks
- `constraints/0` (optional) - returns a list of column names to verify for conflicts. If a conflict occurs all fields will
just be updated. This prevents insertion of new records based on the constraints when drill is run again.
- `on_conflict/0` (optional) - returns the conflict strategy. The default is `:replace_all`. Only works when `constraints/0`
returns a non-empty list. See [Ecto.Repo.insert_all/4](https://hexdocs.pm/ecto/Ecto.Repo.html#c:insert_all/4) for more details.
- `deps/0` (optional) - returns a list of seeder modules that should be run prior to the current seeder
- `factory/0` (optional) - set default values for the fields. This is used when you call `seed/1` from the seeder module.
- `run/1` (required) - returns a list of seeds (a call to `Drill.seed/1` function or anything you want to include in the context seed).
Autogenerated fields such as `:inserted_at` or `:updated_at` may not be defined. The first argument is the `Drill.Context` struct, which
you can use to get the inserted records from previously run seeder modules (see Usage section above).
## Command line options
- `--repo` - specifies the repository to use
- `--seeds-path` - overrides the default seeds path
- Command line options for `mix app.start` documented [here](https://hexdocs.pm/mix/1.15.2/Mix.Tasks.App.Start.html#module-command-line-options)
## Caveat
Can only be used on Postgres database for now
Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc)
and published on [HexDocs](https://hexdocs.pm). Once published, the docs can
be found at [https://hexdocs.pm/drill](https://hexdocs.pm/drill).