# Driver8

**Best choice for writing a [WebDriver]( control interface**

Driver8 provides everything you need to build a Webdriver extension. This is *not* a wrapper for
your Selenium tests, but a basis for [Remote end](
Similar to what [Appium]( does for Mobile testing, you can create your own extension and
use it via standard W3C Webdriver wire protocol.

## Getting started
If you want to give it a try right away, run `mix new demo` to create a new mix application called `demo`. Switch
to your demo folder `cd demo`. Change your mix.exs to look like this (project section should already look like this,
you simply need to adjust application and deps sections):

  defmodule Demo.MixProject do
  use Mix.Project
      def project do
          app: :demo,
          version: "0.1.0",
          elixir: "~> 1.10",
          start_permanent: Mix.env() == :prod,
          deps: deps()

      def application do
          extra_applications: [:logger, :cowboy, :plug, :jason, :eex],
          mod: {Demo, []},
          env: [
            port: 8085

      defp deps do
          {:httpoison, "~> 1.6"},
          {:plug_cowboy, "~> 2.0"},
          {:driver8, "~> 0.1-dev"}

Now update your main module `Demo` (found in `lib/demo.ex`) to look like this:

  defmodule Demo do
      use Application

      def start(_type, _args) do
        children = [
            scheme: :http,
            plug: Driver8.Plug,
            options: [ port: 8085 ]
          ), Driver8 ]

        Supervisor.start_link(children, [strategy: :one_for_one, name: Demo.Supervisor])

After that you need to get dependencies by running `mix deps.get`. Now you can start application by running `iex -S mix`.
If all goes according to plan then after you open your browser and point it at [http://localhost:8085/] you should see a
greeting message similar to this: `You are using Driver 8 (elixir) 0.1.0`. Another route that should work is [http://localhost:8085/status].
It should return you a json with a message and `ready` status of the driver process.

Congrats, you are running you very own webdriver extension! It can handle session creation, but that is about it. So let's
make it a bit more interesting.

## Adding a simple extension