# DryValidation
Provides a DSL to define complex validation schemas, with the ability to cast values, define custom validation rules and much more.
## Installation
def deps do
{:dry_validation, "~> 1.0"}
## Example
require DryValidation
alias DryValidation.Types
schema = DryValidation.schema do
required :name, Types.String
optional :age, Types.Integer
input_data = %{"name" => "John", "age" => "15"}
{:ok, output_data} = DryValidation.Validator.validate(schema, input_data)
assert output_data == %{"name" => "John", "age" => 15}
input_data = %{"name" => 15, "age" => "nonsense"}
{:error, error} = DryValidation.Validator.validate(schema, input_data)
assert error == %{
"name" => "15 is not a valid type; Expected type is DryValidation.Types.String",
"age" => ~s("nonsense" is not a valid type; Expected type is DryValidation.Types.Integer)
Complex schemas can be crafted using the methods - `required`, `optional`, `map` and `map_list`.
With the use the provided `DryValidation.Types`, requirements can be set and also cast values when possible.
## Available Types
Type | Description
------------- | -------------
`DryValidation.Types.String` | Expects a string type `"some text"`. Will try to cast the value into a string (`1001` = `"1001"`).
`DryValidation.Types.Bool` | Expects a boolean type `[true/false]`. Will cast the strings "true"/"false" to real booleans
`DryValidation.Types.Float` | Expects a float type `[15.51]`. Will try to cast a string to a float (`"15.5"` = `15.5`).
`DryValidation.Types.Integer` | Expects an integer type `[101]`. Will try to cast a string to an integer (`"100"` = `100`). It'll fail the cast if the string is a float.
`DryValidation.Types.Func` | Custom rules can be build using this, see the module docs. Example is the `DryValidation.Types.Integer.greater_than(5)` rule.
`DryValidation.Types.List` | Expects a list. Can have the list type set to one of the above, including a `Func`.
`DryValidation.Types.Any` | Accepts any value and will do no casting. Usually not used as the type can just be omitted when using `optional` and `required`
## Advanced example
schema = DryValidation.schema do
required :name, Types.String
required :age, Types.Integer.greater_than(18)
required :type, Types.Func.equal("users")
optional :pets, Types.Func.member_of(["dog", "cat", "bird"])
optional :favourite_numbers, Types.List.type(Types.Integer)
map_list :cars do
required :make, Types.String
required :cc, Types.Integer
map :house, optional: true do
required :address, Types.String
input_data = %{
"name" => "Jon Snow",
"age" => 42,
"type" => "users",
"pet" => "dog",
"favourite_numbers" => [],
"cars" => [
%{"make" => "AUDI", "cc" => 3000},
%{"make" => "BMW", "cc" => 2000},
"house" => %{
"address" => "Church Road"
{:ok, _output_data} = DryValidation.Validator.validate(schema, input_data)
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