# DualMap
A DualMap is simply a dual-entry map struct that allows you to reference pairs of data using both, a key or a value. In a DualMap you can look up a value from its key or a key from its value.
In simple terms we could say that a DualMap is a map where there is no difference between key and value, both can be either one or the other.
## How does it work?
A DualMap actually stores 2 maps, a direct one with the key => value pairs, and a reverse one with the value => key pairs. At the same time it also stores metadata about the names (ids) of the datas (called master keys).
To create a new DualMap you must use the `DualMap.new` function. You must pass to it a pair of names that will be the identifiers of the master keys.
DualMap.new({:hostname, :ip})
The order of the master keys is important. If you later want to make insertions into the DualMap and you use the `DualMap.put_ordered` function the value pairs will assume that they are ordered as defined at the time of creating the DualMap with `DualMap.new`.
## Let's see some examples:
iex> dm = DualMap.new({:hostname, :ip})
iex> DualMap.put_ordered(dm, [
{"ns3", ""},
{"ns2", ""},
{"ns1", ""}
{"ns1", ""},
{"ns2", ""},
{"ns3", ""}
iex> DualMap.delete(dm, :ip, "")
{"ns1", ""},
{"ns3", ""}
## Full docs
For full documentation follow the link [doc](https://hexdocs.pm/dual_map_ex/)
## Installation
def deps do
{:dual_map, "~> 0.1.0"}