# DuckDuck

DuckDuck is a mix task that uploads Distillery releases to GitHub. This is
useful for CI/CD pipelines that pull directly from GitHub releases. You can get
travis or circle-ci to do it for you, but in some projects (like if you use Elm
or have large brunch builds), the VMs from travis or circle are too small.

To see a project that actually uses duckduck, check out
[doc_gen]( DocGen uses elm in the
front end, and I can't get that to build on travis.

## Usage

First, you have to make a tag for the release and upload that to GitHub.

$ git tag -a v25 -m "Wow already v25!"
$ git push v25

(If you have a phoenix project, do the assets thing

$ cd assets; ./node_modules/.bin/webpack -p; cd .. # OR
$ cd assets; ./node_modules/.bin/brunch b -p; cd ..
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix phx.digest


Then make a distillery release with your new code.

$ MIX_ENV=prod mix release --env=prod

Then use duckduck to upload the release artifact that you just generated.

$ MIX_ENV=prod mix goose v25


- the `MIX_ENV` has to be the same as the distillery release
  - this allows you to upload dev releases, if that's your kinda thing
- you must configure releases to be named similarly to the git tag
  - [example distillery config](
  - the matching is done with globbing `/releases/#{tag}*/#{app_name}.tar.gz`

You should probably set this up as an alias in your `mix.exs`. Again, look at

## Installation

def deps do
    {:duckduck, git: ""}

## Inspiration

I liked and used [GHR]( for a while, but wanted
a native Elixir solution.