*Record and replay your Phoenix channels*

![ licence](
![CircleCI Master](

**Documentation can be found at [](**

DVR gives you the ability to resend channel messages from your Phoenix server, based on a client-supplied id for the last seen message. Unlike the [example mentioned in the Phoenix Docs](, this implementation utilizes [mnesia](, as opposed to an external database backend.

## Installation

The package can be installed by adding `dvr` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:dvr, "~> 0.1.0"}

## Configuration

### Mnesia

The mnesia table can be easily setup across your cluster by utilizing the [mnesiac]( package.

config :mnesiac, stores: [DVR.Store]

Or you can configure the mnesia table on your own at startup:


### Cleanup

You probably want to cleanup the saved messages after a period of time, so as to not over-use your memory or disc capacity (based on the mnesia backend you choose). You can do so by adding the provided cleanup task to your supervision tree:

children = [DVR.Cleanup]
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

The default interval is 1 minute, and the default ttl is 1 hour, but you can configure them as you desire:

children = [{DVR.Cleanup, interval_seconds: 60 * 10, ttl_seconds: 60 * 60 * 24}]
Supervisor.start_link(children, strategy: :one_for_one)

## Usage

### Basic Usage

**Record a message**

{:ok, id} = DVR.record(%{some: "message"}, ['some_topic'])

**Replay missed messages**

id # last seen message id
|> DVR.replay(['some_topic'])
|> Stream.each(&send_to_client/1) # your implementation

**Check for a message by id**

{:ok, id} =

### With Phoenix

In `channel.ex`

defmodule MyApp.Channel do
  use Phoenix.Channel
  use DVR.Channel
  require Logger

  intercept ["new_msg"]


  def handle_out("new_msg", msg, socket) do
    case DVR.record(msg, [socket.topic]) do
      {:ok, id} ->
        push socket, "new_msg", Map.merge(msg, %{replay_id: id})
      err ->
        Logger.error("Unable to add replayId to message", error: err)
        push socket, "new_msg", msg

    {:noreply, socket}

In your client:


let replayId // recovered from storage somewhere

channel.on("new_msg", payload => {
  lastMessageId = payload.replay_id

  .receive("ok", resp => {
    console.log("Joined successfully", resp)
    channel.push('replay', { replayId })
  .receive("error", resp => { console.log("Unable to join", resp) })

### With Absinthe

Make sure to add the `replayId` to your schema for the subscription type that you are publishing. Then you can record the message when publishing:

{:ok, id} = DVR.record(msg, topics)
Absinthe.Subscription.publish(MyApp.Endpoint, Map.put(msg, :replay_id, id), topics)

For now, you have to customize the entire set of channel / socket modules, since there's not yet a way to decorate the default channel:


defmodule MyApp.Endpoint do
  use Phoenix.Endpoint, otp_app: :web
  use Absinthe.Phoenix.Endpoint

  socket("/socket", MyApp.UserSocket)


defmodule MyApp.UserSocket do
  use Phoenix.Socket
  transport(:websocket, Phoenix.Transports.WebSocket)

  def connect(_payload, socket), do: {:ok, socket}
  def id(_socket), do: nil

    assigns: %{__absinthe_schema__: MyApp.Schema}

  defdelegate put_opts(socket, opts), to: Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket
  defdelegate put_schema(socket, schema), to: Absinthe.Phoenix.Socket


defmodule MyApp.Channel do
  use Phoenix.Channel

  defdelegate handle_in(event, payload, socket), to: DVR.AbsintheChannel
  defdelegate join(channel, message, socket), to: Absinthe.Phoenix.Channel

In your client:


let replayId // recovered from storage somewhere

channel.on("new_msg", payload => {
  // take the replayId from the relevant place in your schema
  replayId = payload.replayId

  .receive("ok", resp => {
    console.log("Joined successfully", resp)
    const subscriptionId = resp.body.payload.response.subscriptionId
    channel.push('replay', { replayId, subscriptionId })
  .receive("error", resp => { console.log("Unable to join", resp) })