# Dymo

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For all your labelling and tagging needs!™

## Motivations

When it comes to polymorphism, it's always hard to find a match-all solution. Each known implementation have tradeoffs:

1. Real polymorphism (`taggable_id`, `taggable_type` on the `Taggings` model) breaks database level foreign keys, and makes requests slower.
2. Parent entity (Having each model have a `entity_id` refering to some `Entity` model) and having tags assigned to the `Entity` model via `entity_id` is cumbersome when performing complex queries and reverse queries.
3. Multiple nullable foreign keys on the `Taggings` model (Eg `user_id`, `post_id`) is a very good solution but it could become hard to maintain and enforce if many models are taggable.
4. One join table per taggable model (Eg `users_tags` and `posts_tags`) make it impossible to consolidate and search using SQL queries only.

This package offers an implementation that fits the 3rd and 4th approaches, and it offers shortcuts and mix tasks to make your life easier.

## Installation

If [available in Hex](, the package can be installed
by adding `dymo` to your list of dependencies in `mix.exs`:

def deps do
    {:dymo, "~> 0.1.0"}

Then, you can install the `Tag` migration in your application (Note that for umbrella apps, you'll need to first `cd` into the app containing your repo migrations):

$ mix dymo.install
* creating priv/repo/migrations
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20180828154957_create_tags.exs

Once done, you should start and make a join table for the model(s) you want to be able to label. There is a mix task for this too!

$ mix dymo.join_table MyApp.Post
* creating priv/repo/migrations
* creating priv/repo/migrations/20180828154958_create_posts_tags.exs
Once your database gets migrated, a new table posts_tags will be created.
You might want to add the following relationship to your MyApp.Post schema:
  many_to_many :tags, Dymo.Tag,
                join_through: "posts_tags",
                on_replace: :delete,
                unique: true

If you follow the directives given by the tasks, you should then have a fully labellable Post model. Congratulations!

## Using Dymo.Taggable

When a module uses `Dymo.Taggable`, many shortcut functions are meta-programmed into it.

It becomes easy to achieve labelling-related tasks. All the examples bellow assyme that a `Post` module calls `use Dymo.Taggable`.

### Editing Labels

To set the tags on an instance of a post:

Post.set_labels(post, ~w(ten eleven))

Similarily, you can add / remove labels using `Post.add_labels/2` and `Post.remove_labels/2`.

### Querying Labels

To get the labels associated with a given post, you have several options.

Using the association directly if you defined it:

  |> Repo.preload(:tags)
  |> Map.get(:tags)

Using the helper function:

  |> Post.labels()

Note that the `Post.labels/1` also accepts a module directly as an input - in that case it would return all labels that were ever associated with posts.

You can also query models that are tagged with specific labels by doing the following:

Post.labelled_with(~w(ten eleven))

## Notes

Documentation can be generated with [ExDoc](
and published on [HexDocs]( Once published, the docs can
be found at [](